He just took my son
I'm sorry things aren't going as planned and you're upset. :(
I hope things get better.
Let us know how everything goes this week.
things may be different in court a judge may not agree that he have your son for the rest of the week.
your son is also 15 so he has a say in what he wants...if your ex continues to try and have your son go against you in time your son will hopefully see what his father is doing.
I concur with anonymousgirl in that kids caught in the middle of divorce and custody issues are NOT naive. If they don't already know what's going on, they'll figure it out before they're an adult. Just TRUST that because that is really how it is with kids - they're not stupid.
Tedebear, Did he TAKE your son, or did your son go with him because he is in town and hasn't seen his son in a while? Those are two very different things. One sounds like an abduction, in which case I'd be calling the police, and the other sounds like he is beginning he parenting time for the week, in which case you'd want your son and his dad to have a nice time.
He took my son planned it with him and I called the sheriff they are sending to the DA to charge him with perantal interference he took him to someones house I do not have an address for which is out of the county and without tellin me . He even texted me that he did it they saw it and that was when they filed the police report which is in my favor I did not react to the text I went straight to the police
Teddy I'm glad you went to the police! You did the right thing. Hopefully people here will see that when someone says HE TOOK HIM they understad it isn't a "reasonable parenting time" situation!!!!
I'm getting a headache!!!
Sending YOU hugs, Suzee
Suzee I couldn't just let him take him like that and I wasn't going to fight him that isnt good for my son I had to stand up but in the right way and I think I did but who knows
Teddy, you did just fine!!! I am so sorry you've had to go through this!! The good news is that you have court tomorrow and the judge will get a real good look into who "wonder daddy" is!! People need to realize that not all our exes are just a little confused and working through a few "issues'!!! Some of them are downright ROTTEN asses who will ruin chidlren, and their hopes and dreams!! Thank GOD there are good mothers like us in the world!!
Private message me. Some of us won't question your fear for your childs wellbeing.....
So many hugs!!!!!! Suzee
Tedebear, Thanks for the clarification about what happened. I was hoping it was not an abduction. I am glad you called the police and are allowing law enforcement to do their job to bring your son home. I am sending positive thoughts that your son is not in complete turmoil and that this turns out in his favor. I'm also sending positive thoughts for you and your court case tomorrow.
Suzee, please try not to take my questions or comments as a personal assault on you or anybody else on this site. My question to Tedebear about the details of her son being taken was a legitimate question about a highly charged situation on the night before her court date when emotions are running high. The "people here" all have a right to post without fear being reprimanded for their thoughts, feelings, comments, or questions. Or maybe I'm wrong?
Oh, TedeBear, I'm so sorry to read what's happening tonight. You absolutely did the right thing, you have to do what you have to do to protect you and your son after all you've been through. My heart goes out to you and I'll put you and your son in my prayers!!
Soft, sorry if this offends you, but you must not know TedeBear's story at all. Regardless of what you think, the law is the law and whether it be the mother or the father, no one takes a child behind the other one's back and not tell them where the child is. Unfortunately, donating sperm doesn't guarantee a blissfully wonderful example of a father. I'm just sayin'!!
Eventually Sunshine... I know minimal details about Teddy's story, which is why I asked for clarification. I am not offended.
they are not bringing him home but they are sending charges to the DA that is in my favor tomorrow I have a case # instead of an incident # they said since he took him out of the county and that I do not have an address they can not go get him
How do you think this will play out in court tomorrow even after he sent the text message I didn't respond to it I did not curse at him I went to the sheriff's office 911 they asked if I tried to call him to return him I said no I didn't want my son to hear the fighting and I wasn't going to battle him that way I said I called them because it violated the standing court orders and that he took him out of the county and to an unknown location without my knowledge
My x had this set up with my son they planned it behind my back even if he went willingly it is still up to his father to do the right thing and he clearly didn't
I think this will play out in your favor tomorrow. You will have documentation that your son's dad knowingly violated the agreement. It doesn't really matter if your son went willingly. How much of a choice did he really have, given the set of circumstances?
I know and I had already told him I had plans tonight with my son that he could have him after court tomorrow but he couldn't wait that 12hrs I was in the house cooking dinner when I got the text message and alone I almost lost it I couldn't breath or think for a few minuets I started to respond but stopped myself I am waiting for a response from my lawyer I told her he took him and filled her in more afterwards when I couldn't get her afterwards I called 911 I wasn't going to fight his way plus I didn't want to give him anything he could use against me in court I never cussed at the sheriffs I never called him any names I didn't give them any reason to claim I was out of control or unreasonable I wouldn't become what my x has been claiming me to be
You did great TedeBear!!!! You held yourself together in this situation and that's hard to do! Your son's dad won't be looking good in court tomorrow by breaking court orders, that upsets a Judge because it's disrespecting the Judge who put the order in place....that's a very big no-no.
I hope you can get a good nights sleep! You may toss and turn quite a bit, but tomorrow is going to be a good day, okay?! I'll be thinking of you and watching for you to let us know what takes place in court.
I'm sending you lots of love and hugs!!!! Sunshine!
LOL Who can sleep with all this happening Sunshine I just sent a full detailing of this to my lawyer in an email If I learned anything tonight it's if you know your right and you don't think the police officer is understanding or is bias ASK FOR A SUPERVISOR!!!! that is what took it from just an "INCIDENT REPORT" to a "POLICE REPORT W/ CASE #" they saw I didn't respond to the text message. they asked if I had called them I said no I didn't want that kind of fighting around my son so I called the sheriff's department to handle it. I stayed calm when they said it's was a "civil matter" and I push it till I got a case#, right is right and even a officer can be wrong sometimes.
I am proud I did not sink to his level I didn't react with screaming or cursing I was calm and in control, at least to those looking at me but inside I was a mess, I only knew I couldn't just let him take our son that way, they had walked all over me enough already, I wasn't just going to let them do it again, only I was going to do it without me looking like they did I was going to put my son over everything else by not reacting like they wanted me to I was going to let the law handle the violation. I didn't let him just get away with it because he may now have a criminal case against him I am sure this will just look great along with his child support check with the household bills taken out of it to go with it. I want to sink him not me so I couldn't be the bitter angry wife this time.
Good for you TedeBear, you put in an LOL even after a rough night!!! I knew you were going to have trouble sleeping, even if you only doze off and on all night you'll be strong in court I'm sure! I'm very proud of you too on how you handled the whole situation!!! Insides shaking, but kept your composure, didn't lower yourself to argue it out with him, and tomorrow.....some justice will be coming your way!! My mom always told me when I was really young to not lower myself to fight it out with someone because that's the reaction and response they want, and by not doing that they just aren't happy LOL!!! Good, if my mom's right, then he's not feeling happy tonight....oh dear, what should we do to cheer him up?! Delivery of a "manly" looking plant, invite him over for a special home cooked meal, or put him in his place in court?? Hmmmm.....I vote court 8-) Yep, that works!!!
Life is short enough and I have already given him 23 of my 42 years I have begged pleaded crawled and fought him and look at what that has gotten me .. a breakdown and divorce papers I want to be who I was meant to be and it is not an angry hurt bitter woman he has been for years trying to make be that and he has but with those papers I was freed of ever having to be her again. With that freedom comes the responsibility to make sure he doesn't take me there again He's controlled me for the last time I can not fight him physically but I know what he cares the most about and any kind of criminal conviction would not be good for his reputation he loves money and success and any threat to either will cause him to fold I wont have to do anything myself he is doing it and I am just kind enough to keep notes. I refuse to talk to him on the phone for two reasons one it doesn't help my son to hear us fighting he's heard enough the second one is what got him most tonight HE TEXT MESSAGE ME THAT HE TOOK OUR SON it's in writing from him he admitted he took him said who he was staying with but no address and it is in another county all I had to do was show it and the court order to the supervisor and stay calm and collected they have noting on me I can't wait to see how he will explain this one he can't say I was keeping him from him I have an email that I sent saying he could have him after court tomorrow till Sat I had plans for us today but he took it upon himself to steal him away. Good luck fixing that one.
i too think you made the right decision..my response i left was only to say that even though we have our fears the courts believe these men have rights to their kids and they do have rights BUT that does not mean they can do whatever they please.
Its a hard place to be in but you know your ex better than we do and your fears are heard here. Hopefully a judge will see and understand those fears.
Thinking of you today..court sucks I know all the emotions that you are feeling right now . Fingers are crossed that things go well for you.
I think you have control of things and your ex will be the one that loses his control.
Good luck today!!