OK it's an extremely long story but i will try and be as detailed and quick as possible.
I have a friend of 13 years whom I haven't seen in 13 years, we went to school together as kids and she moved off to Chicago while I was down in Texas. We kept contact the whole time, periods would go by where we didn't talk and then we would again for a bit. She'd get a boyfriend, I'd get a gf and so on, but we sustained contact.
Over the last two years I have been going through a rough point in my life. I broke both femurs and was nearly killed and this really set me back in life. I grew from the situation and thank God daily for my lessons he teaches me. I can walk now but my legs get sore.
Anyway, the problem at hand... About a month ago I decided that I was very bored with where my life is right now, so I prayed for God to close doors that need to be closed and open new ones for me. One day BAM! Slammed in my face, I get fired from my job. To make matters more difficult, I have been helping my mother get through her cancer treatment for the last 6 months.
My friend and I started talking again, then she said she would like to come down and visit. Then that turned into how about I go there and visit. And then that turned into hey why dont I (me) move there (to chicago) and live and work etc. Her family owns a few restaurants and bars and thats what my experience is in.
Anywho, We started to really plan things out. Emotions began to surge again and we understood that this timing is right. We were too young and immature before, but fate has brought us back together. Everything in my life (that i cannot describe) points to this situation right now... She has a job lined up for me, a place to live, financial help etc etc... so I put a lot of faith in to getting some of my bills paid for (since I am unemployed at the moment) and be able to attain independence once again.
So what has happened was last week, she got a ticket to fly down on saturday so we could drive together back up there. early in the week she said how about I just come in on friday? I said cool. Her job said otherwise, but it was okay, we built up the excitement and at the very last minute, while shes off the phone packing, an hour passes and she texts me and says that her cousin drowned in lake michigan.
My skeptical self was like "really?...."
Anywho, she said she may not be able to come in saturday morning unless she gets a call that they found his body. (her family and extended family is all very close).
So I say do what you have to do, il pray for you all and have a good night. (it was getting late)
The next morning I wake up around 830, when she should be boarding the plane.
I text, no answer
I text 30 mind later, no answer.
I call an hour later, no answer.
So I went back to sleep. 2 hours later I get a text saying she knows that I will be mad but shes not coming, they havent found his body and are doing another search.
I was very tired and cranky and started freaking out about what I was going to do... I called her and she basically was expecting me to be upset, which was odd because normally I don't easily get upset. I started thinking and talking about what i was going to do about my bills? what was I going to do about my job? what am I going to tell everyone? she got pissed and we quickly ended the convo.
Oh my lord.... so selfish?
After I cooled off for about an hour I realized what I had done. I just flipped out over some selfish crap when shes going through a super crazy family tragedy. I realized what I had done, and I had to fix it, so I immediately let her know how sorry I was and how concerned I am for her and her family's well being. She didn't really care because she was so in shock about what had happened in her family.
So I kind of have been distant. Letting her think things through without the pressure and annoyance of multiple text messages. Now if this girl really does care about me the way she says she does, I think that if I just keep my distance and let her know im thinking about her and her fam every now and then, I think it may not be past the point of no return.
Any thoughts? BTW yes I am sort of depressed about this... and my entire life in general at the moment...