Hello Everyone. I have been a member of Support Groups since 2019, but the new format kind of puzzled me. It has taken a while for me to manage to get back in and hopefully understand the changes.
I am glad that the Support Group has added the DID/MPD group. I have dealt with having this disorder since I was prepubescent when it was still called MPD. I was diagnosed with MPD until I was older in my late 20s and early 30s. When I was diagnosed … there was a lot of argument and controversy surrounding this disorder. I am here to say that MPD/DID is very real for me. I saw signs that I was multiple in my adolescents, but thought that everyone lost time, had friends that I didn’t have a clue as to who they were, unexplained things like clothes that I had no memory of buying, strange finds like receipts and often hotel keys that I have recollection of at all, etc.
People would describe me as “different,” “moody” and “weird but in a nice” - but I simply felt that my behaviour was normal and everyone had the same things going on in their lives. It wasn’t until I saw a therapist for depression and memory fog that I started a period of misdiagnosis that lasted for years. When one of my many psychiatrist suggested that I might be dealing with multiple personalities because of abuse that I suffered since that age of about seven or eight that my path to discovery begin. My story is long and I will share it here as to open myself up with honestly … and maybe help others with MPD/DID feel more comfortable coming out and not feeling that they are the only one, so they hide the truths from society out of fear of being labeled a freak, liar, attention-seeking, crazy, etc.
I hope that this group helps me and maybe someone else struggling. More Later and thanks to Support Group for giving me a place to feel safe and comfort enough to express my
thought and experiences.