Hello everyone! As an introduction, I suffer from multiple conditions. The most relevant here is my BO (Bronchiolitis Obliterans which is eerily similar to COPD, but since there isn't a group for BO,. I wondered if I could reach out here for support.....
1 Heart
Hello. I hope you'll find this group helpful. I'm not familiar with BO, but if it's similar to COPD maybe some of the info posted on here will help you too. Some days truly are a battle. I hope today is not one of them!
1 Heart
@Robin1230 Thank you so much for your empathy! Mine is a result of RA. Unsure if it’s the condition itself or the side effect of methotrexate. The airways are damaged and restricted. I hope to find some useful info and some support as well. It’s not easy, but will take each day as new and do my best!