Hello everyone!

I am new here. I am looking for help with my binge eating. I have tried for years to fix this myself, but have been not able to. It just keeps getting worse. I have gained 130lbs in the last 13yrs.

hello welocme to support groups!!!

please remember to refrain from use of numbers or calories on the posts for it can be triggering to others with other forms of EDs--but welcome


Hi Di336.
I also suffered form binge eating for years - around 17 years to be exact. And at bad times I still fall off the wagon now.
Do you know what causes you to binge eat? Depression? Bad thoughts? Emotional times? Boredom?
If you know what caused you to do it you can try to get some control back. I realised mine was due to the feeling of me having no control over my life. So I stood up and took control back. I controlled what I ate and when I ate it. And I weighed myself once a week. No more. I made it a kind of ceremonial day. And because it worked and the weight started to come off - albeit slowly - around 2lbs a week - it gave me the strength and motivation to go on.
As your weight loss becomes more noticeable you will start getting comments saying how well you are doing. Try to think positively on those.
I believe you can do it. I was once in that place where there just seemed no point even trying. And I always thought I could never do it and stick to it.
And it's ade me a strong and determined person. I have kept the weight off for 3 years now and will never go back to being how I was. I still do feel the need to binge eat at particularly emotional times. But then I get a grip and think of how all that hard work is not worth loosing.
Look for something positive that you will gain from stopping binge eating and taking back control. Do you want a better job? A relationship? A sense of personal pride? A holiday? To wear things you couldn't before?
I wrote myself a list and saved it on my computer and just kept going back to it to give me strength.
I am always willing to chat or be of help. I do know how incredibly hard it is but I'm with you all the way.

I think depression & social anxiety have a lot to do with my binge eating.

Scarie, if you could also refrain from posting any #'s related to weight that would be great :) Some members find it triggers their ED's.