I just joined this site today.
Wow a lot of sub groups are here that I feel I can benefit from and be a benefit to.
I chose this group first because for the last 3 years I have been in an online support group and was suddenly bashed and deleted.
Long story but a very cultish tight knit group that offers support. I went there and worked their program and got free of my addiction to cocaine.
I stayed on for awhile to help others.
I took a break and then went back.
Over the last three years I have dealt in my life with loss of business, loss of employment, house and I lost my health all at the same time AFTER I got free of drugs.
Funny thing is I always had money and business when I did drugs, when I finally quit, I lost all of and then I lost my health too.
Without money I have been going to the County for help , however they move so very slowly that my condition(s) have gotten progressively worse while I await my treatments and diagnosis.
Now, the reason I am saying all this is for one it's my intro here and for two
during this time I used the cocaine support group to help others and found that by doing so , that alone allowed me to help myself.
The people that own and operate the group are not counselings, did not post and would go on tears to bash other programs and people, the same people that came there for help.
Whenever this happened it would scare the others remaining.
Sooner or later you would voice your opinion properly that you did not like to hear the negativity (the do radio shows) and that hearing them bash others esp. those that came for help was not helping.
Soon as you said this you got bashed, deleted and then they carry on for months bashing you.
Well, it finally became my turn.
So now I'm looking for another support group.
I chose "bullying" first because I just experienced first hand the impact of the written and spoken word that it has on others.
We, none of us , know what other people are going through in their lives and I feel it is dangerous and anti productive and downright harmful to say or write mean things about people.
The fact that this happened IN A SUPPORT group was even more mind boggling.
After contributing and helping others for 3 years , I was bashed and deleted in one day, w/o the people at the top even ever once writing to me or asking me what happened.
I stuck up for the ones that got bashed and deleted and said that I thought that it was wrong for ANYONE, to do this and especially when you are advertising and offering to help people.
It really shook me up. Sad thing is the people that were there, only 3 were looking up to me as well as all the ones who came and went across the 3 years who come back.
I have a mind to write to the proper authorities in that state to have their practices looked into because they are trying to make a business and applying for a 501c3.
I think of this not to be vengeful but to protect others.
If someone was in a really bad way, that type of treatment could cause them to go over the edge. If so, the family would sue them in a hearbeat and be right to do so. The investigator could take a few days and find literally tons of people who were hurt by these people.
So, I am all w/o support in one fell swoop.
I am facing life and death situations in my life both financial and health.
I am trying my best to overcome my own obstacles , interior and exterior and I have benefited by being in a support group.
So I am looking for another one where people actually know how to treat others that are going through life challenging scenarios in their lives.
thanks for reading me, I tend to get long winded.
but I am happy to be here and share my many victories over life challenging situations w/ others that are looking for some support.