Hello, I am new to the group, but not the problem. I though

Hello, I am new to the group, but not the problem. I thought I'd discuss it with you guys to see if you had any ideas. How about it?

I'm game for some conversation

Alright. Well, sometimes, when I eat, my stomach seems to reject what I am eating. It bloats really bad, and stays that way for days. I also get some bad acid reflux. No food in particular seems to cause the issue.

I'm gonna suggest getting some caps ole form, plant digestive enzymes, caps ole form powder of the origanol seven mushrooms, a healthy Brewers yeast, and some molasses. All obtainable from the health food store. Mix I part enzyme with 1 part mushroom powder with one part 1 part Brewers yeast with one part molasses with 20 parts water.

Mix set a lid on container in a dark place for 1 week… Do not disturb. Consume anytime on empty or full stomach