I'm new to this group,and really not sure how I feel.My husband and I have decided to get a divorce and I am devastated, I cannot function and today being Sunday have to put a face for my children,Im hurting so bad,i wish i could be in bed and not get up.We work together and I don't even know how to act around him tomorrow.I hate him and then love him,then I feel so much resentment for what he has done to me.I am so scared because I'll have to get a job since i won't be able to work around him(it will be to painful) also it breaks my heart to think he eventually will start dating.( i know I'm looking way to far) but I love him and I'm dying inside.I really don't know where to star,what to do,how to behave? Im in a serious mess right now.
Hi there. I know exactly how you're feeling. My husband and I are divorcing after close to 16 years married. Like a light switch he just turned off his feelings and wants out of marriage. I was devastated and blind sighted. I fell into a deep depression. But the good news is that I am getting help. I see an individual therapist as well as participate in group weekly meetings. I also read a lot of self help books on surviving divorce...positive thinking....self esteem etc. Also surrounding myself with positive people and supportive friends. I can promise you that taking these steps with lessen the pain and feelings of hopelessness. In the beg I hated and resented him but learned that those feelings were doing me more harm than good. And I also realized the problem wasn't with me but rather him.
You have to take care of yourself. You have to love yourself in order to heal and move forward. Once I started doing this I am able to see the light as opposed to seeing a dark future alone. I have my son and he needs me to be strong and for him I must find the strength. I know it's hard. Believe me it will get easier. Remember you are not alone. So many go through this.....and they survived. If you want to "talk" more you can reach me [email protected]
Please stay strong and tell yourself "this too shall pass..."
Just take one day at a time! Take care of yourself and your kids..here to talk if you need to!
I've been there too. I know how hard it is, but you will survive. You might want to change your handle, though, if the system will allow it. It's not a good idea to put your email address out there!