Hello I'm new to this group. I'm the mother of 4 children,

Hello I'm new to this group. I'm the mother of 4 children, two of them are addicts. My oldest daughter has been clean for about 5 years, but my son is still using andreally struggling. I don't know what to do to help him and it tears me apart not knowing if he's going to be okay or not.

Sorry for what you are going through. Im dealing with letting go of my ex who's an addict. Its so hard not to worry. Im sure it's much different when it's your children. God bless you

Thank you and I know how hard it is to let go of someone . I have been in relationships with men with addictions and it's been very hard because no matter how much you love them and want them to change you can't make them do it. They have to do it when they are ready. I just don't want my children to have the same pain that there father has had to deal with in his life.

Thank you I understand what you mean. You are right If my love would have fixed it , it would have happened a long time ago. He has shown the opposite a been disrespectful to the point of no return. Keep you head up! xoxo