Hello is there anybody out there?

Is anyone ever online in this site? No matter what time I come in here I see people online, one or two, and I send a reply to them and.......POOf, gone. Offline and that is that? Just wondering.
Hope everyone is doing good and having a great day/night!!

hey Lily,

seems like the exact same thing for me too....i'm on here everyday, sometimes even multiple times, so i would love to talk. just send me a message, if you want, and i'll respond back as quick as i can.

Hi Lily123, I am sorry that you're not getting immediate responses. I sometimes just have the site up and don't log-out but am not in front of the computer, so it may say that I'm online when I'm really not. Sorry that your dealing with a bit of frustration here, but maybe give people a bit of time to respond.

hi, me too sometimes i am online and would like to caht back and forth one to one and cant get any responses,

I respond to alot of posts but dont have time to always chat esp if Im at work. If u have a specific issue post and they will come

Hey,Lily Catch you when I see you.Im new.Still learning to navigate site.

Thanks All for your replies.....guess it is the luck of the draw when we are all on here at the same time.
Hope everyone has a blessed day!

Hi, I have been absent for awhile and I can relate to what you are saying , it is hard to figure out what to do here to talk to someone , It is hard enough to reach out in the first place, isn't it? Glad to see you hung in there for replies to come rolling in.
Anyone is welcome to PM here me anytime .
All you have to do is click on my name and then send me a personal message . God Bless

same here!

is there any chance of introducing a chat option??

That's such a phenomenal option and suggestion Maedi, do you want me to contact the Site's Admin to suggest it on your behalf and mine?

Please do so, that’d be awesome. Maybe if they are not sure they can send around enquiries or a poll like they do about the online therapy!

I hope they go for it :slight_smile:

Thanks for putting it forward

a chat option would be wonderful. i know it would be a huge help for me.

ditto for me

Gosh lily you got everyone out of the woodwork on that one LOL

Much love, April

Wow I sure did, lol....how nice to see so many people care. Hope we can better the site.

whats this chat like. Is it hard to get people to chat at ya when your new?

I'm here!

Hey amber & welcome, please feel free to direct your questions to any of us. & the site doesnt have a chat yet thats what all the talks about...getting a chat :)

I'm new here and would love to get to know some people. Going through divorce can be very lonely. If there is a chat room that comes about I'd definately get on and try to meet people.

Welcome Strugglin, I viewed your profile, how many kids do you have? Your not alone & we're all here to listen/talk with anytime you feel like it. If you join the divorce site you can then post & share your feelings there.

Take care of you.
