Hello, Its my first time/first post on here! I just got diag

Hello, Its my first time/first post on here! I just got diagnosed with herpes and had my first painful outbreak. I'm married and I know my husband give it to me. Just waiting for his test results. I was initially scared and I felt embarrassed, dirty, etc. Now I'm angry and depressed! I have two little beautiful boys, I love them unconditionally!!! I'm hoping I can move forward with my life and not feel the way I do right now! Hope you are all having a great night! :)

1 Heart

Hello Amomtrying2cope,
I'm so sorry you are going through this! I wish I could wave a magic wand and make it all go away; unfortunately, I can't. However, what I can do is tell you that you have nothing to be embarrassed or feel dirty about. You haven't done anything wrong! Keep remembering how much you care for your boys and the happiness they have brought to you!

1 Heart

@Marlene1105 thank you so much! I really don’t have anyone to talk to about this. My husband is being support but he doesn’t under how miserable I feel. He has been tested but is wanting for his results! After reading these comments and what others have posted I do feel better about my situation. Thank you for your kind words!

@Amomtrying2cope: I too am sorry, but we all have acquired our HSV and are trying to deal with it. The problem is our emotions. acknowledge your emotions, but let's do something here! Nothing good comes from your feelings & emotions. They just waste time and drag you down.

The thing to do is focus on "What To Do" about it NOW, and how to go about doing it.

It's time for some serious contemplating on where you want to go from here and find out if there is a "Larger Problem" lurking in your marriage first.

You are not alone and we are here for you...

1 Heart

@a_survivor there has been an issue in our marriage and we seemed the help of counseling and have moved forward and now I are here! You are correct about acknowledging my emotions! I cried like a baby last night and I still feel sad today but I’m trying my best to be energized and leave the house. I’m looking forward to this support group as it is making me feel more normal and comfortable with myself! Thank you!!