Hi, My name is Satrina and I am an alcoholic. I have 5 years sober. I am home a lot and I like to see if I can find sponsees on the web to work with. I seen this group in google search and it looked like a great place to look!
I am in AA and have been working all 12 steps for almost all of my 5 years. I love to help alcoholics. It doesn't matter to me if you are male or female, as long as you are just asking for help. I hope I can be of some assistance here.
In love and service,
Hi Trina! Welcome!
I have to be honest I looked at your post because I love you hair! LOL!
I'm not an alcoholic, but my boyfriend drinks quite a bit.
I am so happy for your 5 years of sobriety - how wonderful for you!
Do you have any tips for a loved one of a drinker? He has been saying for years he wants help, but makes no effort.
I know I can't do it for him, but what can I do to encourage him and be supportive towards sobriety?
Hi Satrina, Welcome to SupportGroups.com . I am glad to have you join us. Congratulations on 5 years! Way to go! There was someone on the site here http://alcohol.supportgroups.com/sg/alcohol/how-can-i-find-an-on-line-sp... asking about an online sponsor a couple of weeks ago. Maybe check with them to see if they have found one yet. I do hope you will continue to come and share your experience, strength and hope with us. We need you. Have a great weekend! ((((hugs))))
Trina ~ I struggle with drinking but it's on and off. When I'm manic, it's way harder for me to control my intake. I don't drink everyday but when I do, I drink a lot!!! I'm aware of the reasons I drink, and I'm trying to find more productive ways to deal with my issues.
I did wake up this morning, hungover, and angry with myself. I tell myself I won't let myself drink like this everytime, and well, here I am again. Made an *** out of myself one more time, lost my cell phone somewhere, and feel like ****!!! Also, will have to go back and look for receipts to see how much I spent last night. Argh!!!!
Anyways, thanks for being here and hope to hear from you;)
Hey satrina,
What keeps you sober?
That is an easy one. Well, it's funny because it never used to be easy. The 12 steps, God and working with others. Ask me again on November 17th when I have 6 years. ; )
I always hated the steps, never wanted to do them. I didn't think they were going to work, or I thought I would get to them later after I sorted everything in my life out that I had made a mess of. The thing with that was I got drunk before I ever got to the steps. The funny thing is ...they actually WORK!!
how many meetings do u make a week? i am having some difficulties in my life and i am not sure if it is because i haven’t been to a meeting in a while.
Honestly, that depends on how sick I am. Usually I make 2-5. Mostly, I make 4. Since I switched over to the telephone meetings, it is getting better than that at times. I like the idea of getting to meetings even through the phone. It is still a meeting. Now I can make up to 6 or 7.
This is the thing, I know that I am an alcoholic, and if i don't show up at meetings to remind myself of that and help someone new out...I might forget I am one!
It is nice to meet you. Glad you are here. Wherever here is : )
Telephone meetings? That's something I would be interested in! how does that work? I moved back to NY months ago and haven't gone to any meetings and I am getting lonely plus it would be nice to talk to someone about my feelings about drinking.
Thanks for the help....