Helloooo how is everyone! Feels like I haven't been on here in forever!! Hope everyone is doing oki!! Hugs xx
No,, not everyone is doing ok. Why do you think we are here? sorry for the sarcasm.
Was going to say.. no sure how to take that.. at you ok? X
Extremely depressed. My life and everything about it, sucks
Welcome to pm me hun if you wana talk?? X
I just supported you, but you have to support me. i love your picture, by the way! Reminds me of that 7 cats i used to have. They were so spoiled and full of themselves! I miss them.
Oki hun aw thanks! Yeah my landlady got cats.. never use to like them but feel in live with her ginger one.. They bring so much comfort! X
I know what you mean. I had to put 5 of my 7 down (at age 13). It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Two of them are still living with a friend. Talk about comfort. One of them used to curl up under the crook of my arm when I was resting on the bed. I would stroke his head and he would purr so loud. i miss them all.
I've just feeling like I've been left in the dark.
Why do you say that?
Glad your doing well @chris298.
Yeah not to bad I guess..
Hiaa sis x long time since we spoke, a very long time x how's u x hope ya well x
Omg yeah was thinking about yu today thinking the same! Yeah I'm oki I guess you x
@jlt60 Awww lovely Xx miss ya Xx good glad ya okaii, and been crap, but still trying Xxx give me a buzz sometime Xx
Well, don't you sound perky :-) Thanks for dropping in and sharing the good feelings!