Helloooo how is everyone! Feels like I haven't been on here

Helloooo how is everyone! Feels like I haven't been on here in forever!! Hope everyone is doing oki!! Hugs xx

2 Hearts

No,, not everyone is doing ok. Why do you think we are here? sorry for the sarcasm.

1 Heart

Was going to say.. no sure how to take that.. at you ok? X

1 Heart

Extremely depressed. My life and everything about it, sucks

2 Hearts

Welcome to pm me hun if you wana talk?? X

1 Heart

I just supported you, but you have to support me. i love your picture, by the way! Reminds me of that 7 cats i used to have. They were so spoiled and full of themselves! I miss them.

1 Heart

Oki hun aw thanks! Yeah my landlady got cats.. never use to like them but feel in live with her ginger one.. They bring so much comfort! X

1 Heart

I know what you mean. I had to put 5 of my 7 down (at age 13). It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Two of them are still living with a friend. Talk about comfort. One of them used to curl up under the crook of my arm when I was resting on the bed. I would stroke his head and he would purr so loud. i miss them all.

3 Hearts

I've just feeling like I've been left in the dark.

1 Heart

Why do you say that?

1 Heart

Glad your doing well @chris298.

Yeah not to bad I guess..

Hiaa sis x long time since we spoke, a very long time x how's u x hope ya well x

Omg yeah was thinking about yu today thinking the same! Yeah I'm oki I guess you x

1 Heart

@jlt60 Awww lovely Xx miss ya Xx good glad ya okaii, and been crap, but still trying Xxx give me a buzz sometime Xx

Well, don't you sound perky :-) Thanks for dropping in and sharing the good feelings!

2 Hearts