HELP! A bit about me and some advice needed

I was first diagnosed with anorexia 10 years ago at 14, I was hospitalised, 'recovered' (back to a normal weight), then my parents split up when I was 17, I relapsed, was diagnosed again, and since then have maintained a weight that is still medically underweight but not at the point where I need to be in hospitaI.

Up until recently I used to be so obssessed with food, calories and excersise; it consumed my life, it was all I thought about all day, every day. I couldnt eat out with friends, food situations caused huge amounts of anxiety for me. I used to structure my days around how much I could excersise and eat, it was awful - my life belonged to anorexia. Then a friend of mine introduced me to church and it was here that I found relief. I gave myself to God and since then I have made some significant progress in my journey towards recovery; I no longer count calories, I dont weigh myself daily or take my measurements obsessively. I excersise moderately and enjoy eating out with friends and family. The obsession I once had with numbers, excersise and calories is pretty much gone.

Despite these successes, however, I still havent been able to completely let go of this ED. Im not sure I have an eating disorder per se but I still have distorted eating and have now developed body image problems. Lately, instead of being obsessed with calories, excersise and the numbers on the scale, ive become more fixated on how I LOOK in the mirror, and how I feel in my clothes. Whereas once the numbers on the scale determined how my day would progress, now my mood is influenced by how I feel in my clothes, especially my mid section (my stomach and waist). I HATE the feeling of being full, I HATE feeling bloated, it makes me feel disgusting and like a failure. This is a problem because its starting to determine how often and what I eat. I find it a struggle to eat unless im actually hungry (which isnt that often, I think my stomach may have shrunk), and I avoid foods that make me feel full and/or bloated. Unfortunately, this has meant that I now dont have regular bowel movements, which then has sometimes led to bloating and constipation, causing me to restrict even more. Its become an awful cycle and I dont know how to break out of it. I have thought about laxatives and have bought some but Im scared of becoming physically dependent on them. I still so desperately want to recover, I want my life back, free from this ED, but I seem to be trapped, maybe not in the same obsession, but in an unhealthy cycle never-the-less.

Has anyone else experienced what Im going through? Has anyone kinda 'shifted' or 'swapped' eating disorders? Im not sure Id classify myself as anorexic anymore, but I certainly still have issues. What has helped others to push through these tough times continue to recover? Does anyone have any advice as to how I can get out of this awful cycle and continue to progress? Please help!

Simone86, thank you so much for being here with us. I think that it's so wonderful that faith and church helped you so much. It's very important to really understand the root cause(s) for why you have an ED; the restricting, calorie counting, excessive exercise, and now the possibility of using laxatives. I am a recovered bulimic and it wasn't until I got to the root [psychological] cause of my ED that I was able to really work through recovery. My "grave condition" per my doctor really scared me and pushed me to start the process. Please do not get to that point, don't get anywhere near or around that point, because the road is long and hard to regaining both emotional and physical health.

Would you consider treatment at this time or therapy or even a local support group? As well, I found this site to be very helpful and there's a phone number you can call for advice;

Please know that you are not alone, we are here to help you through this.

I'm so glad you shared your story :) I've always switched between anorexia and bulimia. I think it's possible to have more than one eating disorder. I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well and I hope that being on here helps. We're always here for you.


i completely understand . i too struggled many yrs with anorexia. I am also a believer. I did 5 weeks outpatient treatment last summer . I struggle too with the body image its a cycle I feel trapped in. I follow my MP as best I can I have also had problems with bloating and constipation. i no longer weigh all the time or restrict like before or any of those bad behaviors. but I obsess about my stomach also and I like my clothes to fit a certain way.
it seems like a never ending cycle ..I have managed to break some of the Ed cycle (behaviors) but seem tortured by the daily visions in the mirror of my body image. this one is hardest to break free from. I don't really need a mirror to see it.
I guess its all about finding that balance...but i know what you mean how do you find that balance....???
Have you done any counseling at all?
Do you see a dietitian at all? I and plan on discussing this with her..this is a cycle I don't know I can break!


Thankyou, your comments have been so helpful, just knowing that there are other people out there that have had similar struggles.

Yes I have had councelling and therapy, lots of it. I had intensive family therapy after I was hospitalised for about 6 months along with group therapy and individidual councelling. I was having about 4 to 5 sessions a week all together. Once I was back at a healthy weight the councelling was cut back. When I relapsed I again at 17 I sort help and have seen a councellour ever since then, not the same one, I think Ive seen four councellours over the past 7 years. It scares me because nothing seems to work. I know WHY my ED started, I know HOW its maintained, I know an unusual amount about myself for someone my own age, what I dont seem to KNOW, or maybe, be able to put into practise, is how to get ME back, or how to discover who I am without this thing in my life. Sometimes I think Ive lived with it for so long that this ED has become part of me and cant be removed. The thought of that scares me. I so badly WANT to be known as more than just the "skinny girl", I want people to see past the mask that I wear everyday. and I want people to CARE about that person. But for some reason, I just cant seem to let that go. Its so hard.

Sorry for rambling, that all just kinda spilled out. But thanks for listening, and any other advice or comments would be most welcome

Simone, how are you doing and feeling today? Thank you so much for giving us more information on your journey. I think that you are so incredibly strong for continuing to work through your ED, it's so important to keep moving forward and taking it one day at a time. You have everything that it takes to overcome this. Is there anything in particular that has worked for you before?


Thank you for sharing with us! It is wonderful that you were able to find God and get help with your recovery. I have never been diagnosed with an eating disorder but I have always had distorted body image and issues with food and exercise. I think my symptoms have changed everytime my life changed but I completely understand where you are coming from. The other day I put on this outfit that I love, my girl friend bought it for me, and I was bloated so it did not fit and I felt horrible in it. I broke down after that. I put on a t-shirt, baggy jeans, cried for a while. Then spent the rest of the day trying not to eat, not to cry and drinking green tea hoping it would make me feel better. I used to take water pills and diet pills alot but I promised my girl friend I wouldnt so now I have to try to find "natural" ways of doing the same thing. I hate feeling like that and I hate the way it changes my mood and attitude. I know this does not help you at all but I wanted you to know you are not alone! I know how it is to be torn between feeling gross and wanting to be healthy. If you ever want to talk you can always write me.

Simone....good to hear from you! You have obviously made some big changes and challenged many of your fears, which is great!
I am amazed at your insight about how you see that things can still be 'better', and you need some fine tuning.
It sounds like you are at the place where you need to close and lock that door to the ED once and for all, making it no longer an option in any way. This can be done! Keep working on the 'little' things that you know are impacting the quality of your life. Talk to you counselor about how you can challenge these things and continue to move away from the eating disorder! Take care...Jan ♥

I was diagnosed with anorexia at age 7 and then bulimia at age 14. I understand where youre coming from and also ask God for guidness cuz He has helped me through quite a lot.