Help, I'm stuck!

Hey, I'm new here and have a little secret. I'm addicted to Percocet. For the last year it's progressively gotten worse. It all started with Vicodin. The first time I took 2, I was instantly in love. I used to get them prescribed to me due to the fact I need 2 knee replacements, which my doctors refuse to do because I'm too young. I've had issues with my knees for almost 10 years now. Severe arthritis, dislocation of my knee caps, just an overall incredible amount of pain. Last December my doctor put me on a pain contract. I get 90 Percocet a month and 60 10mg 12 hour release Oxycontins. These days my Percocet only lasts me about 2 days. I have a friend who also got sucked in to the whole thing with me. We split everything. Whether we buy them or I get them from my doc. It's an expensive habit and it has taken over my life. I have no money anymore because it all goes to this drug. We have a love hate relationship, Percocet and I do. I take anywhere from 15-20 pills a day, so you can imagine my issue when trying to get off them, I go through MAJOR withdrawals. I hate it. I can't function, I can't work, and if I don't have them, it is ALL I think about. It sucks. My friend and I have both talked many times about quitting. The issue is our withdrawals. I need help, advice, anything at this point. I work in health care, as does my friend and would really like to try it on our own, only for the small fact that I am embarrassed that I have let it get this out of control.
There are only a couple people I have let into my secret and I know I would have support, I just don't know how to go about it. It scares me, plain and simple.
Please, if anyone is out there, help me.
Thanks for reading this far.

This is a step, and if you want it you can quit. Look into NA. It is free and you can even go to them at church. They offer support and someone to walk with you in time of need. I hope you keep trying.

I really had to think hard about replying to you cry for help. Your amount of use reminds me of myself and it just makes me sick. So, I will not tell you what to do. I will just tell you what I did. I finally decided I was killing myself and couldn't take the lying anymore. So, I checked myself into a Hospital as a suicide risk and have detoxed from hydrocodone (11 years use). I am 13 days clean now and still withdrawing. It is hard, it was horrible........IT IS WORTH IT. I am starting to feel like ME again for the first time in years and I like it.
I'm working the Day Treatment, going to NA.....whatever they say I need to do for my sobriety. I AM GOING TO MAKE IT with all the help I can get.

So, when you are ready to stick your neck out there. This is one avenue you could take. Just a thought....


Leesha,As I was reading your post I could hear myself saying
the same things as you.I too take pain medication & was
addicted to Percoset for many years.I finally went to my psychiatrist & he prescribed Suboxone.It is a miracle drug
but you have to then wean yourself off of it as it can be very addicting.It takes away all the withdrawls & bad feelings but you must then stay away from the pills & that
is my problem.N/A or AA would be a really good way to go.
I wish you the very best with getting off the pills for good.

How did you feel after going off the suboxone? I have just started using it I entered a recovery program Saturday, like you I feel like it is a miracle drug, I just couldnt take the withdrawals from the perks, I had been using for 5 years and it just got way out of hand and I was so sick of depending on it. Now I have the fear of the withdrawals from suboxone. So far so good 2 days without perks havent had the first craving for a pill. Good luck!!

i know it feels so good to just be able to "tell your secret", i did. maybe you and your friend could do this together and support eachother, dont be scared, its hard, but so worth it. i was depressed, so hydrocodone was my easy way out. i built up a tolerance fast. now i use all the money i have saved to be good to myself, i make the time to do things that i enjoy. i also had to deal with the depression;i saw my doctor for this, and went to na meetings. exercise and a healthy diet will really help with the withdrawals and underlying problems such as depression, anxiety etc. i am so glad to be clean, i have never felt better and you can too. we are all here for you, we will go through it with you. good luck.

I just released my secret too. It just depends on the person you tell and how much support you will get. My sister says that God is the ONLY approach. I do believe that God plays a role, but not the only role. It takes a lot of will power! I'm on day 8 of being free from Norco. Find a way that works for YOU! I am starting counseling on the 10th, hopefully I will get to the root of this illness. I have been diagonsed with panic/anxiety and depression disorder for 12 years so I still have that to contend with. Keep posting on here, it has helped me a lot! Everyone is for you and your road to recovery. It's a very hard road to go down, but like I told myself... What's a few weeks of w/d, verses the rest of my life? Take care

I'm struggling with my addiction to oxycontin and percocets to...I haven't touched any opiates in 8 days however and the only way I have been able to do it is by taking suboxone. I also bought my percocets and oxycontin from people and I bought my suboxone from people. The suboxone is awesome because even if you do cave and decide to do a perc, the suboxone blocks it and doesn't allow it to work and even may make you feel very sick. But if you just take suboxone for a couple days it will make you feel normal and you won't withdrawl.... Trust me I could not take the withdrawl it made me feel horrible and I could not function at all and by day two of withdrawling I would cave and go and get oxycontin or percs. I took suboxone the first four days of being clean and now I'm 8 days clean and I do not take suboxone because I feel like I don't need it. I basically hit rock bottom and had no money because of my habbit. There are also outpatient suboxone programs you can do where they prescribe you suboxone and no one will know about it. Try to maybe go to an NA meeting...I refused to go to one and then I finally got talked in to it and it actually helps not to mention it is anonymous and you will be quite surprised at how many business people and teachers and other people are at these meetings and it shows you that your not alone. Turst me I was so surprised when I went there! But it made me feel like I wasn't alone. Good luck! Keep me updated on what you decide to do.

eoliver, welcome to the site! glad you are here. your story is inspiring and gives all of us hope. so are you feeling ok still, without anything? thats great! hang in there, the worst part of the physical is over. the na meetings will help so much, keep going. yes, there are many addicts, drug addiction is not picky. doctors, lawyers, teachers etc, anybody can be a victim. i was ashamed to go at first because im in the medical field and i knew better that to do what i was doing, but im glad i did go, i dont feel alone now. you hang in there eoliver, its so worth it, and think of all the money you will save, and as time goes by, you will feel so much better physically and mentally. na meetings also help keep me from relapsing too. good luck to you and keep me posted.

My first post. I have not told anyone about my addiction. You all are the first and only. My addiction has been growing for several years now. I was prescribed percocet by my neurologist for Restless Leg Syndrome because I didnt tolerate the regular RLS meds. Percocets do work for this. I'm sure my doctor never imagined that I'd start taking them during the day!! I feel like I'm controlled by them now! I COUNT THE HOURS until I can take the next one, even after I've just taken one!!!! All my senses are dulled, I have no motivation or happiness, and I've "let myself go." I also don't feel like maintaining any of my friendships. I know it's time to stop!! I need help. I don't want to go to na (though I've checked out locations online) because I'm afraid I'll be recognized. I work in the medical field, I don't want anyone to know!!! I need your help!! How do I keep myself from taking them all the time if they're the only thing that helps my RLS? I feel like I'm weak and have no self control! I'm lazy and feel like I don't have willpower! Please help!!!

I was like you so scared of being seen at these meetings, but I took a step back and looked I had no other choice I was taking perks one right after another, I started buying and it was really just getting out of hand. I made a appointment 1 week ago and it was the best decision I have ever made I am on suboxone and feel alot better. I also am trying to wean myself off of it but it will take some time. A lot of the people who were at the meeting I think are there just to get the meds but I sit and listen to their stories and it sounds just like what I am going through most are dependent on opiates Very surprising there are professional people at these meetings a nurse, a med-tech and so on. Just everyday people like you and I that made a decision to take pain pills. I hope you will think about getting some help your story sounds alot like mine I didnt even want to go to work without a fix I had it in my head I could not function without pills. Let me know how you are doing I couldnt take the withdrawals, I was just not strong enough to fight off the urge.

Days, I mean! Lol

Thank you so much for hour help!!! You get that medication AT the meetings? Ive read about it but didn't want to ask my primary care doctor for it. So it blocks the "high" but is an opiate so you don't get the withdrawals? I assume it's easier to get off of it??
I'll find a meeting. Maybe a few towns away. Lol.
My first day didn't really go as planned. I felt so edgy and uncomfortable that a took some. My sick brain rationalized that I should taper off of it. Stupid, I know!!!! I did take less today, but the thing about percocet is that TAKING them makes you want to take them. It's a vicious cycle! I'll find out about the suboxone. Evidently I can't be trusted.