HELP! in love with a woman with ED

Hi. Im reaching out, trying to cope. Ive been in a relationship for almost 2 yrs with a wonderful woman. We were in love. .so i believed up until a month ago. Every excuse to end it was givin, but she never said the love wasnt real. She has a history of losing over 120# thru diet, exercise, bulimia, starvation. She recently said her reason to leave was related to the eating issues. I love her so much. .what can i do!!

Welcome, please refrain from using any #s in your posts, this can be triggering to members.
You cannot help someone who suffers from an ED without them wanting to get help themselves.

thanks, i guess thats true.

But you CAN encourage her to get help. Therapy is the best avenue. Have you discussed this with her? Many of us with ED push away the people we care about the most; because being in a relationship interferes with the effort it takes to sustain an eating disorder, which controls your whole life and schedule.
Please don't take this too hard, I bet she still loves you too. REach out to her and ssee if she is willing to get help. You may have to stand by her as she recovers, which can take time and patience.
But if you love her it's worth a try

thanks molly! that helps understand this. i had never thought of that. i want to stand by her, she wont let me. .yet she wont let me go completely. im trying to have patience. .but i get anxious.

She let me back in. . .a little. I dont ever want to lose her, have her push me out again, fear me. I hope & pray for the ability to keep her wanting me close.

keep praying and try to encourage her to get help. tell her it can kill her health and happiness and her dreams. i so hope the best for you--and molly is right--the energy needed for an ED will destroy any other realtionship. it really is like a 3rd partner in your relationship with her. and it is a deadly, destructive force...

i so hope it works out, and i hope you do get to put that ring on her finger, where it belongs...
