I know that a "dust" phobia seems bizarre, but my son sufffers from OCD, ADD and anxiety, he's developed this phobia..to the point that like he finds it in corners, ruuning boards(along the wall)under his bed etc. c;mon no matter how much i clean dust is just always there..has anybody heard of somone with this type of phobia, its really nerve racking..sometimes its bad other times not relevant very strange..he is ammaculate clean himself and keeps his clothes that way..but his room is clutered(oraganized mess) go figuire? any advice?
Hi Mas, I am so sorry that your son is going through this. I did some research and came to find that a fear of dust is called Koniophobia. Here is a site that gives a bit of information and tips; http://organizedwisdom.com/Koniophobia. Have you talked to a medical professional about this and have they given you any helpful tools to help him work through this?
Thanks so much for your effort to always help someone...I truly appreciate it.....:)
Of course, I am here to help you in any way that I can. Please let me know if you need anything anytime.