How do i make my mom like me? i dont think she does sometimes. I have learning disorder and panic attacks...and she gets mad. when i yell and stuff or cry from the panic attacks...shes just mad. she yells at me to stop crying. and when i was littler she got mad i wasnt learning. when i got home from school or if we went somewhere...shed test ask me stuff about what i learned...and i didnt know anything and she got so mad. Well i cant get out of how do i make her like me? And she is nice to me and she takes me to me food...takes me to stuff...says nice things to...
but anything thats bad like that i cant learn or the panic attacks...she gets so mad that i think she cant like me. im happy shes nice to me...but still i cant just stop the other things. so i want her to be nice for that to. please help...
First of all, I am sorry that you are dealing with such emotional family issues while dealing with a disturbing learning disability and anxiety. The positive thing is that you are asking for advice in order to comfort your mother’s frustration with your disabilities.
As much as any human being desires to, one has no control over another’s emotions or reactions to a problem; this matter is left entirely within that person’s abilities to control them. Directly speaking to your question about making your mom like you, you can’t, because the idea and action has to be something that your mom recognizes the need for in order to cope with her own feelings of weakness in this situation.
What you can do to help her understand your learning disorder and panic attacks is to gather reliable educational information about such problems. Once your mom has the necessary learning resources at reach she can determine where her faults stem. Most likely, she has never fully attempted to research your disabilities, so she is just ignorant to the facts covering your needs. This way she will have the matter at reach and well in hand for your productive supportive needs.
Another point to consider is that your mom’s frustration falsely appears to you as a lack of her full devotion to your feelings; but what is actually pestering her is her own inability to help you heal. Every parent should be responsible to encourage, and actively engaged in, strong hopes for their children’s well being. Thus, when you mother appears mad towards you, she is really angry within her thoughts and at herself by way of her incompetence to heal you. As she yells at you, she is verbalizing her very own shame and guilt thoughts and feelings only out of weakness as a parent.
Once you and your mother seek proficient knowledge about your physical and mental burdens, you will have a fighting chance to come to dependable terms with how to rationally and affectionately deal with your complaints.
I think it could be possible that your mother is not really mad at you, but mad at herself. She might feel as though that she failed as a mother. I think that it is possible because as you said, she does do nice things with you, and I also think that because she would test you (it might have been her way of trying to help you learn). I know that what you are going through is frustrating.
Maybe you should have a serious discussion with your mother and your physcian so she can better understand your condition.
And also have a heart to heart with her and let her know how you feel.