I am new to this and i think i have an huge problem with binge eating... i need helpp.. what do i do next??
i'm so sorry to hear your having such a tough time hun. the ladies here will take good care of you. they have much to offer.
For me it took many years for me to not only realize that I am a binge eater, but also for me to actually be able to admit it. You are here reaching out for help and that is an awesome first step. I know that this group had been a huge help and support for me. Everyone is so understanding and non-judgmental and has some fantastic guidance. It is also very important for you to find out what your binge patterns and triggers are so that you can work on your recovery by avoiding potentially difficult foods/places/situations/times/people/etc. If it is a possibility for you (depending on the resources available to you where you are) I would highly recommend seeing a therapist. Getting to the root cause of your disorder will help you to better understand it and also to be able to let go of what it is that is haunting you and move on to a happier, healthier lifestyle. I understand that formal therapy is not an option for everyone due to funding, resources, etc and if that is the case I have a book that I highly recommend all about BED and it outlines a recovery program that can be done on your own or under the guidance of a therapist. For me, the first step was to talk to my family doctor. He ran a bunch of tests to make sure that there was not a medical reason for my eating habits (a chemical unbalance can cause a person to crave certain foods excessively or keep odd eating habits) and he also did an assessment to see if I was depressed and needed to be medicated (depression and ED often, but not always, go hand in hand and if you are struggling with depression and don't get help it will make it very difficult for you to recover from the ED). My doctor was also the one who set me up with my support team that I now meet with on a weekly basis (it will be less frequently once I am more stable) to review diet, nutrition, lifestyle, emotional wellbeing, etc. I hope that this has helped you, please ask questions, we are all happy to help you out as much as we can!