Just joined to dayy.. need help. i have a huge eating problem i binge eat all the time and feel soo guilty just wish i had some help on what to do next. step one admit it to ones self.. now how do i get helppp???
i totally know how u feel. i'm going through a tough time as well with this. the guilt holds on to u and u want to fight it but something comes up and it just makes u want to binge again leaving the guilt there.
right now me joining this support group is a start. i am opening up more and i think that is a start. maybe let it all out here. writing seems to help a little. i'm at a place where i don't know who to really talk to. i can share a little but i find that i need to share with ppl who would understand and i guess this is a place to start.
keep on keeping on :)
Yeah.. it is tough, and i totaly understand about the guilt thing. I talked to my mom today and it seems to have help put a little bt of weight off my shoulders.. which helps alot. i joined this to just talk about it to because your right its like you have to idea who to talk to, for me i feel almost embarrassed about it, but i know that asking for help is a big step and hopfully we both can make it to our goal! and i really like that saying just keep on keeping on
Have you tried going to Overeaters Anonymous. I found that it was helpful for me so give it a try. Yes you did complete the first step in admitting it, and youre right, you just have to do whats next.
whats over eaters anonymous??
It is like Alcoholics Anonymous, but instead it is for people who have a problem with overeating(bingeing). Google it and you should find some information.