Here goes nothing

So today I have decided to confront my problems. I have a problem with alcohol and prescription drugs. I'm going to talk to a friend and see if she will go with me to the AA and NA meetings tonight. Then if that doesn't work out for me i think i will talk to my mom about rehab. Theres a rehab facility in my town for drugs and alcohol. I called them today and without insurance its almost 6 grand. I dont know that my family can afford this unless we win the lottery. I need to address all my issues to my mom. So after she wakes up from her nap I think her and I may have a long talk. If not, I may wait till tomorrow and just see how the meetings go tonight if my friend will go with me. I dont want to go alone. Feedback please:)

So I talked to my friend she said she will come with me if her husband will watch the kids, wish me luck!!

Hi Amanda,
I couldn’t seem to find the right place to post this. Hopefully you will see it here.

I’ve been at this gig for along time So I hope you don’t mind if I say a few things? When you finally get to AA you’ll probably hear some of this stuff again. Nobody can give it to you if you don’t want it. If you want it bad enough you can find a way to get it yourself. It might seem a little uncomfortable at first but you really don’t need a friend to go with you. You will only be a stranger in a meeting once. You’ll most likely meet a lot of people that are nonjudgmental, very understanding, noncompetitive, willing and happy to help you with real things, like giving you a ride to a meeting or home if you need it. A ride to the grocery store or a doctors appointment etc. And actually doing it not just saying they will and then coming up with a bunch of excuses why the can’t.
K. 1 down.

Next clonapin or clonazepam what ever you want to call it is an anti anxiety drug from the family of benzodiazapines which in English means that it is Physically addictive and produces very unpleasant effects if You try and go cold turkey with it. If you really want to get off it. Don’t bother your mother about it. She hasn’t got a clue what its like. Work out a plan with your doctor who knows the facts. To gradually ween off it. your doctor will know what it’s really all about.

Even if you don’t do cpam and alcohol at the same time, which wont kill you its just a waste of the drug. Because alcohol, even just beer is stronger and will produce more numbing effect than the other anyway.

Heres the catch. Alcohol is a depressant and even if you don’t have a hangover the next day your likely to feel what seems to be just emotionally crappy. Not having a hangover ya don’t think the booze has any thing to do with it so ya take one or two cpams to get rid of that Yuckie anxiety type felling in your tummy. Never realizing that that Yuckie seemingly just emotional feeling is actually the left over effects of using a strong depressant the night before. wanting that quick relief again ya try increasing the dose of the cpam for a wile and your system gets used to it. Now it doesn’t seem to be working very well. Then you remember that the booze actually worked better for quick results. And the next day if your not aware of that connection. Ya do it all over again.

Don’t be fooled by the clonapine thinking its not working. If it really wasn’t working you would know it. From things like excessive shaking, weird uncontrolled jerks or twitches nonstop hot flashes followed immediately by chills that could go on for days, trouble breathing, more aches and pains than usual. Etc.

It’s a vicious self perpetuating circle. Get real honest with your doctor. your not going to get in trouble. What you will get is better.

One more thing if you think Moms not happy now? there is a way to make that even worse too. REHAB and SUBSTANCE ABUSE CENTERS cost many thousands of dollars and have a very low success rate. When you do get to AA which by the way in my opinion is allot better than NA. Notice how many people you hear say that they have been to REHAB two or three times and fore some reason it didn’t fix them. Like I said earlier Nobody can give it to you if you don’t really want it.

Besides even if you do waste a whole lot of money on rehab. When you
get out 29 days later their just going to tell you to go to AA meetings, where the people who have been to those places most often more than once. Finally actually got clean. And to think they could have done that for noting in the first place?

When you take control of your situation and realize that only you can change you… Luck has nothing to do with it.

you’ll defiantly hear this at a meting. … grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Wanta freak some people out? most of them will be very familiar with that much but many of them don’t know the whole deal. That was written by Reinhold Niebuhr in 1934 and is a shortened version of only a small portion of what originally un-named, but has since come to be known as The Serenity prayer.

Peace Out.

Don't wait to get help.... It only gets worse. Good luck tonight!

Plans fell through:-( were gonna try for next week!

Hey Amanda, That is great that you are going to seek help with your alcohol and drug addiction problems. It is also great that you will have your mom's support. You can start today by not drinking or using for today. Then take it a day at a time. Keep us posted on how you are doing. As always, we are here for you. ((((hugs))))

I've decided that this weekend im not going to drink at all. Thats my first step. As far as the pills, im only going to take them when i need them not when i want them, it seems like if i take them when im not under alot of anxiety thats when they make me high. So hopefully this weekend will turn out for the best. I tried to tell my mom I felt like I was becomming dependant on the klonopin and she just said she thinks that its all in my mind. So im going to get a 12 step book and try online NA first then see how i feel about going to meetings in town.

It should be pretty easy to show your Mom.
Or at least get the factual information to show her.

Look up clonopin on line. Their is lots of information about it out there. It’s a very commonly prescribed med for anxiety.

It is a benzodiasapine, actually one of the milder ones. - On the street or old movies like “Go Ask Alice”. they call them “Bennies”. It is a class 2, I believe, controlled substance that is illegal to poses with out a script in your name. And a doctor who prescribes it Must be a licensed medical doctor. Like in psychiatrist
not just a psychologist or certified social worker.

Like I said theres lots of information about it online. Find a Respected, Creditable source so Mom doesent question the validity of the information. And Hopefully that should help for at least that portion of your situation.


PS. In the easily attainable real true information about it. It will plainly state as a known fact. That it is physically habit forming.
Which in simple English means Addictive

Peace Out.

Also, Just My opinion. Maybe a little direct, But I don't mean to offend you, Just help if I can.

It sounds to me like your doing allot of beating around the bush.
If you're really serious. You Can come at this much more directly.
Part of which I talked about in reply #2 of this thread.

Please Excuse the blatancy of this statement, but there are two ways that one can go about something. Don't misunderstand this Talking to people is good, But there comes a time when.

One can talk about things, get a bunch of people involved and get very little done, Or one can get the Facts for them self and just get it done.

much luv and respect.
Been there. Done That.


In all of my years of sobriety, the one thing I learned that is certain is nothing changes if nothing changes.
The program is there for people who want it and it does work, only if YOU work it. Try 90 meetings in 90 days to get a feel for them. Eventually, you will hear your story. Then, get a sponsor you connect with. They are going to be your lifeline and help you find your way back into the land of the living. The steps are important and are to be done in order for a reason. It is a program of rigerous honesty: to yourself and others. You can't half *** this..your life is at stake.
Stay vigilant and please, keep posting.

Wow where have I heard that before? lol

can you pass me the coffee please,
OK it’s about time to start this thing.
Would somebody close the door please?

If nobody else wants to chair I will.
can we have a moment of silence fore those still suffering
followed by the Serenity Prayer?

Would someone like to read the promises?
They will always materialize if we work for them.

I used to say quite often: I would recommend the program even to people who don’t have that problem.

As a mater of fact I used to know a retired special ed teacher and counselor. Very smart man, who never did have a problem. He just went to meeting cuz he liked it.

My mom works in the health care field.. shes a physical therapist. So she thinks she knows everything there is to know about medicine. Its hard to get anything through her head, shes stubborn.. she thinks i get it from my dad, which i might, but it comes from her too. Im going to my psychiatrist thursday. Im going to talk to him about my dependency on klonopin and bring my mom in there with me. That way she wont just hear it from me but she can hear it from someone else too.

And as far as beating around the bush goes.. I dont know what your trying to say. Its hard for me to go anywhere. I can't drive because of my anxiety and my dr directly told me "do not drive on your meds" and I hate leaving the house because of my anxiety. I have alot going on so its hard to tackle more than one task at a time.

You know, I just have to say that it is great to see someone thinking about getting help but that post sounded like someone who is casualy thinking of help just for something to do. For MOST of us, help is a desperate cry and not at all casual in anyway. Those of us who were drinking daily or drugging daily and slowely killing ourselves have learned that help and support is esential to our being alive, not soem casual trip next week to a meeting. My point is that getting help is SERIOUS and should be addressed seriously and not casually. The sooner one gets help the better because you could prevent yourself from having a worse problem down the road by seeing those of us who have barely made it down the road. Good luck to you.

Oh yeah your so right I wanna go get help because im bored. nah! That's not true. I need help! I'm tires of becomming numb everyday to run from my pain. Unless you have support to offer, or advice, I don't wanna hear it.

Okay tigeress, calm down. You know I love you dearly and don’t think any harm was meant by Lost’s statement.

You have to remeber sometimes not everyone sees things the same way and it is at times difficult to interpret the “tone” one is using when writing. I am good for misinterpreting the “tone” of text messages. LOL!

You are just like me! Take everything to heart. That’s why I adore you!

How is your day going anyway? Say, do you live near the Cabela’s in PA? Planning a trip for me and the boyfriend to go there hopefully for our anniversary in November.

He used to be big into hunting when he lived “down-home” and I know he misses it terribly. My parents have been there (so not hunters) but say the store is awesome!

Dizz- I live in ks but I do live near a cabelas!! Lol and my boyfriend loves hunting he's actually hunting right now
and trick I apologize sometimes I lose my temper

That’s better gang. No harm no foul.
