Hey everyone, I am a guy that has Acne Its been really bad since I was 11 and Im 16 now and it just gets worse every year. I've never used any creams because my parents don't care and won't get me anything for it. I've tried a lot of home remedies but nothing works. Can someone just give me any advise on what to do or any advise at all.
Hi! I am also 16. I still get breakouts from time to time, but nothing nearly as bad as it used to be. If your parents aren't helping you in any way- I would say try your best to drink lots of water and eat well. There are a couple of really good sites, like acne.org that gives more info on that type of stuff. I would also say to save up for a tub of bentonite clay. This is really a life saver. It only costs around £10 (it is sold on amazon worldwide). Just remember to stay positive because stress can have a major impact on your skin. Also, get as much sun and exercise as you can. You'll get through it- nothing lasts forever!
2 Hearts
@lynxxy thank you for your support and advise it means alot