Hey guys! I haven't been on here in ages! I hope you all ar

Hey guys! I haven't been on here in ages!! I hope you all are doing well (as well as one can do with this awful disorder ugh I know) but trust me there is hope! I basically am completely better and went the better half of a year and a half HOCD free! I'm on here because I'm in a bit of a relapse (yes they happen but trust me they're nothing like the worst of it) and I figured hey haven't been on here might as well bring some encouragement. Just remember, it is OCD. I know, your brain will think of every possible reason why it's NOT HOCD and why you're "actually gay and that's why you're having all this trouble" because "straight people would never have these thoughts" well nope it's the dumb disorder. Don't push away the thoughts and encourage them. Let them be there. Don't freak out when they come and remain as calm as you Can. Hope this helped! From a former HOCD sufferer:)

2 Hearts

I'm really happy you're better for the most part. I hope you continue to feel good!

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)