Hey guys! I just want to know something .. because I'm very

Hey guys! I just want to know something .. because I'm very scared that I might be in the closet! I've been dealing with HOCD for the longest time ! And for many reasons the HOCD is making me think I'm GAY when in reality I do NOT WANT TO BE GAY NOR BE WITH A MAN! And I love my girl friend every time I look at a guy I think in my head that I must be gay for looking at him or staring for too long I don't know what to do!

I went through the same but am a girl. Dont give into your ocd. Imagine ocd like a bully. The bully cant hurt you if you ignore it. After a while the bully would get bored and quiten down a bit more @jfleurelus

1 Heart

Hi @jfleurelus, what you have to do is cut off any online checking you may be doing (looking at straight or gay porn to check if you are aroused, looking at pictures, etc), and get help from an OCD therapist. Look for the videos of Eddy Defoe in youtube, they are very helpful too.

1 Heart

Thank you guys so much I've always been scared that I might be deep down secretly gay and that scares the **** out of me ! I don't want to be gay or be anything associated with that life style !

@jfleurelus it is the ocd again. Ocd makes you wonder that you may be secretly gay. If you were gay, you would know it, not question it

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)