Hey, hope everyone is have a decent Monday :), If anyone wan

Hey, hope everyone is have a decent Monday :), If anyone wants to talk feel free to comment or message.

You're a guy. What do you do when someone you like shuts down because you're still afraid to trust them?

@ah523 Well I just keep talking to them until he or she is back, It just depends on the person. I don’t really understand what you mean by “shuts down” also what are you expecting out of the relationship?

Wow, mad! I get what she is saying but she could have said Good Morning Paul, how are you dong this beautiful Monday? Very sunny here in Missouri. I must tell you ah523 that I don't trust anyone fully, except my dog Sassy, and let's face it she cannot tell my secrets, cept to her dog friends and i'm ok with that. Men are pigs, it's true, but not all the pigs are bad and not all should be roasted over a hot fire. Most men eventually get the important things, but right now you are mad at all men, not all men hurt you, try to remember that as a start, because yes, you have a long road to walk and a lot of it will be alone because you cannot trust, I understand that, I'm just further down that road than you are. I hope you have a good day, and Paul256,I hope the same thing for you ( my brother's name is Paul so i have a soft spot.)
Blessed Be my peeps.

1 Heart

@dark_and_twisty71 What was the whole first part about? Im not mad she didn’t need to say Good Morning LOL. Also men and women are equally pigs, it just depend on who your surrounding yourself with and how you project yourself as a person.

:)) hugs

@aks What were you playing? Good night to you too :slight_smile: