Heyy everyone, I'm new here... I have BED and I am to ashame

Heyy everyone, I'm new here... I have BED and I am to ashamed to tell anyone. At first I thought I could do this on my own, but I can't. Every day I try not to eat so much, but everytime it goes wrong. I go the supermarket and buy soo much food and when I come home I go to my room and eat it all. Even when I'm not hungry anymore. And I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to eat it and I don't want to be fat. But I just can't control my urges. I need help, but I just think that when I tell someone they think I'm disgusting or they just think I'm exaggerating and looking for pity.

2 Hearts

Hi there, I totally relate!!! It is the same with me. And I always say that I am going to stop but I never do. I feel powerless and I really need help! I've been reading a book about this problem and I realised that bingeing and depression go hand in hand. I will try some exercises in the book: for example; try to enjoy food and not think about it like something bad, don't do anything else while you are eating. Just eat slowly enjoying every bite and stop when you feel full.

1 Heart

@compulsive_eater Excellent suggestion! I’m going to add for Robinxx to keep food out of your room and try to do all eating at the kitchen table or other designated eating area.

I'm also new here. I'm a night binger--as in every night. Then I try not to eat all day. I want to change so I don't wake up feeling like a failure everyday. The most supportive thing I can say right now is I know how it feels to not be in control. Hey, at least we're here looking for help, right? Hang in there.

Hi!! How are you today?? I know it's easier said than done but like [violet1375] said looking for help is the first step. We are all here for you, whenever you need to talk. Also ask yourself in any moment when you are about to binge: is this going to help me get where I want? It is never too late to stop. You can do it!!! :)

Heyy everyone, it really means a lot to me that you understand and support me. Thank you.... Since I posted I haven't binged anymore... I know it's only been two days, but still.....little steps will help me get there.

1 Heart

@Robinxx I am honestly so happy for you!! Even if you say it’s just two days, it’s a great accomplishment because the first days are the hardest. Hope you are doing fine! I just joined a 30 day binge free challenge…I’ll start now.

I'm so proud of you, I have binge eating disorder too I was actually just diagnosed last week, I think any little accomplishment should be celebrated!

1 Heart

Thank you. And for you, you were diagnosed that means you got help right?? Just hang in there, things will get better...

1 Heart

I'm currently waiting for a therapist and then I can get the help I need, but until then this site is filled with wonderful people who support you no matter what