Hi everyone, hope everyone finds a little nudge of willingne

Hi everyone, hope everyone finds a little nudge of willingness to challenge yourself today! Small steps of behavior changes and positive thoughts can help you expand.

2 Hearts

I used to be afraid to get the mail, walk to the garbage cans, etc but fast forward from daily changes, now I want to go on walks. ...I still have more to do and practice but little by little will add up for you too... Start where you are even if it is opening your bedroom door or the front door and tune into your breathing.....it is normal to feel anxious when you've been avoiding "somewhere" but if you stay with the anxious feelings and not flee your brain will be like hey what was I afraid of?! Nothing bad will happen to me....it is just adrenaline and my body will calm down when I tune into my breathing... Think about how you'd calm a friend etc...

1 Heart

thanks TennisPlayer. Newbie here. This is the first post I've read that describes what I'm struggling with. Also the only things yet that have helped me push through - breathing through the things I'm avoiding and trying to be compassionate to myself. Thanks!

Thank you Tennis Player. I am already anxious about leaving my house on Saturday, but I will try to keep your ideas for self calming in my brain instead of that negative chatter that can be so loud.

I watched a movie today -not for the first time- called An Unfinished Life, which has so many life lessons for me in it. My life is not finished yet, I have 2 grandchildren that I have a lot to offer, and my fears and phobias need to start taking a backseat to the negative and false thoughts others tried so hard to make my truth.

@TennisPlayer , I looked this up, and signed up for the daily email. Thank you.