Hi everyone, I've been doing alright but today i saw in a ma

hi everyone, I've been doing alright but today i saw in a magazine an article about sexuality and read that a girl who dated boys noticed this girl in college and liked her. it made me panic. i was around my group members at school and they saw the sadness on my face. after reading that, i realized i have no hope

That is a load of bullshit! No hope? Is that what your therapist is telling you?

What a joke ! She will have liked girls before not just all of a sudden , don't believe all you read in magazines .

1 Heart

Crock of *****, once again we don't know what the girl in the story is like we don't know her personal life we will never know and if we were to ask we wouldn't know if she's telling the truth simply put we don't know. But what we do know is to "turn" all the sudden is like sprouting wings the next second.

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)