Thank you for the welcome :) Well for example, I use to have rituals I would do such as making sure I did not walk over the cracks of the sidewalk when I was walking down the street, or not walking only down 1 side of the street went I went to the gym for example, or when I sat soemthing down like my remote control for my TV, I always had to make sure it was pointed towards the television, it couldn't be facing the side a little or nothing. Those are just a few examples. What I learned was that if I did all those things and walking on either side of the street that nothing bad was going to happen, and it hasn't.
Just in your mind you believe that if you say a certain soemthing, or do something just a little different, that if you don't do those things the same identical way all the time that something bad will happen to you or someone you know, and that is the simply just irrational thinking that OCD puts into your thought process. You just have to go and do those things, expose your OCD to them so that your brain's thought process will see that hey if I do something a little differently one day, or if I say a certain something, nothing bad at all is going to happen.
I also have learned to discipline my mind with alot of those issues by taking the time and putting things in their proper prospective by asking myself ok, is this something that is a reality, or just something my OCD is making me think is a reality? No, all OCD produces is negativity and an irrational state.
To answer the other part of your question, I still have the 1 issue I mentioned in my introduction, sure, it has it's moments and it's tough, but I fight through it, and I keep on pushing everyday to research and find out more infortmation about this pain in the *** known as OCD. I take medication :) I also see a therapist twice a week as part of an intense treatment so I can really work at defeating this thing. When I'm working out at the gym, as I am lifting I say to myself in my mind, F U OCD, this is my mind, my life! Sounds a little extreme maybe lol, but the signal needs to be sent to that part of the brain that says hey, I'm going to fight you and get you out of my thought process no matter what it takes, or how long it takes.
One really has to make a decision that they are willing to do whatever it takes to fight back against it. I hope I was able to provide a good insightful response for you :)