Just wanted to say hi and give everyone some background. I have an uncle I have been looking after for about 9 years. He has RP which has slowly decreased his vision over the years. He is now all but blind. He has always been there to help all of my family as long as I can remember. When I was young and my dad was dying he always made sure our rent was paid and we had groceries. When all of us kids grew up he was always there to help us. Anyway to make a long story short he fell over a year ago and broke his arm badly, I put him in a nursing home temporarily so he could get PT and gain strength. He was there a year and we rented his apt back and moved him home, he didn't tell me he was having bad vertigo. He was home three days, fell several times and couldn't get back up, he ended up in the hospital with pneumonio. (He has bad COPD also) Well his is very weak and back at the nursing home now. He is also very angry and bitter. Tells me I throw him in there every chance I get, that he should never have given me power of attorney etc. It saddens me to see such a sweet loving man become this hateful bitter person. I have tried to explain to him that I would love to have him live in his apt. I work full time, have a grandbaby on the way and do alot of travelling in the summer months now. The rest of the family lives 200 miles away and none are about to take the responsibility. I feel guilty even though with his health I know the nursing home is the safest place for him. He is giving up there and basically just wants to die now, I just have no other options.
kasey hun, i was caregiver to my mom the last to years of her life. we put an addition onto our home for her. she was up in massachussetts and i in texas. i know your painful difficuties first hand. at that time daddy was in a soldiers with advanced stage alzheimers.....i would had cared for him myself (did'nt work by this time) but he was so advanced that to moved him would have been detrimental to his already frail self. daddy passed 2 months after mom. i would have moved heaven and earth to help my daddy. we were even going to have a special room for him and bring in nursing aids when needed. but we did the best we could in the situation that we (we being my husband and i) were in. my heart goes out to honey. please let me know if there is anything i can do hun......
Thanks Kathy,
Im dealing okay with things. Mostly put the post up to be a support source to others, so people would know the background and why I would understand. You know I would love to have my uncle live with me if possible, he was a bachelor all his life and never had a family of his own except us, I have tried having him live with me before and it just doesn't work well unfortunately. That and he is starting to show sign of elderly dementia.
k, hun...thanks for being that support for people. you and i have had to make some tough life decisions.....it is so incredibly sad to watch someone you love deteriorate and the choices that have to be made. what a very strong and couragous person you are.....thanks for sharing this with us.
hey kasey just poping a little post here to remove you from the support someone page. want to make sure anyone posting gets answered. i hope i have'nt offended you honey. if i have i sincerely apologize, not my intention.
Hi Kathy,
:) sorry for the duplicate post, my internet was acting up and guess I hit post button twice or something.
kasey honey, oh no, happens to all of us ....my main concern hun was i did not want to offend you anyway. he ya go .....your officially given "absolution" hehe