Last Monday was awful. It seemed like a good day right up until my partner started verbally attacking me because he was angry. I dont even know why he was angry because we had a very good day. After things got rolling, there was a physical confrontation that caught me completely off guard. I got him out of the apartment and took off with my daughter for a friends apartment.
He started calling me, demanding that I let him in (he had left his keys when he left) and I left my daughter with my friend, and went down to a public area where people could see me to talk to him. He acted like nothing had happened. When he found out I had told my friend what had happened, and that she had called my brother, he got angry. Started giving me a hard time about "involving" them.... right after he had told a whole bar full of people that I had supposedly started the fight and that if they didnt hear from him in 15 minutes to get worried. Now, the funny thing is once that would have really worried or bothered me... as it is now, I know how people see him. Only the dense, stupid, or gullible really believe the BS he spews. People who talk to both of us realize that he has a tendancy to lie to make himself seem innocent and me some crazy person. He kept trying to touch me, hang on me, and I kept backing away. I was now afraid of what he would do.
I let him in and he demanded to know where the baby was. I told him she was with friends. He wanted me to come back with her and "talk" and I told him I was done talking, and didnt want to be in the same place as him. He started yelling and screaming, and I told him that after what he had done, I didnt trust him, and wouldnt be able to sleep near him for a long time, if ever again. He called a suicide hotline, and started screaming and screeching, so I took off. I was really afraid. I was at my friends, and he called her while I was trying to calm down and it sounded like he was threatening her, telling her she needed to stay out of our buisness.
I called his sister in law to talk to her, since she was like a mother to him... partly because he was acting crazy and if he needed to be hospitalized, one of them would probably have to do it. The other is because she is somewhat comforting and I wanted to let her know what happened. He called his brother while I was on the phone with her. He asked to sleep in my car, and I said since I was staying at my friends he could stay at the apartment till morning, then find a ride to where ever he was going.
Before I knew what happened, he was calling me to say he was leaving, on foot, and walking to his friends house on the complete other side of the city... about twenty miles away. I reminded him he could wait till morning, that I was staying with a friend, and he said that he wanted me to have my place back. I saw him leave, then went to check the apartment... it was fine. Baby was tired, so I put her in my bed and lay down next to her while talking to my friend. Then the calls started.
He would sound so pathetic, then get so angry, then try to sound reasonable but it just came out nasty and accusatory. He yelled, screamed, sobbed, was just all over the emotional map. He would cry and say how scared he was, then change tones so quickly, telling me if I didnt come pick him up he would hate me. Then try to sound reasonable saying if we were going to be friends, why couldnt I give him a ride... I kept telling him he was acting crazy and I couldnt trust him not to do something like grab the stearing wheel and try to send us into a telephone pole or tree. At one point, I said "You tried to beat me to a pulp, threatened my life, and now you want me to come pick you up like nothing happened?" and his response was, "Yeah, pretty much."
I was harrassed by him for hours, while crying so much I kept trying to get sick.
We are working on communications at this moment, because of our daughter... but he is still trying to be lovey dovey, and tries to keep pushing physical closeness. I am still in pain from everything that happened, and he is really starting to creep me out with the way he has been acting. Not quite sure what to say. He keeps calling, saying he loves me, he misses me, how hard this is on him.... and I am a nervous wreck.