Hi guys, new poster. Firstly, condolences are due because I know why you're posting here. How is everyone today?
Doing well! Welcome!
Hi fastseanbar! But how are YOU doing? Please tell us. I've only been on this site for two days and everyone already seems like family. These wonderful people have been through the grinder with narcissists and have survived to tell about it.
Thanks for asking. It's been a tough couple of days. My NPD Mother is being extremely passive-aggressive over a dispute that I thought was settled 2 weeks ago. How are you Kurt? Nice to know there is a sense of camaraderie here, I'll probably be posting more in the future. All the best
fastseanbar - Yes, please do keep posting and you'll be amazed at the support you get on this site. One thing we've all come to realize sooner or later - NO ONE understands what we've been through but US. Suffering at the hands of a narcissist is like being in a house of mirrors. Try to explain to others and they won't understand. We DO.
Thank you tabbylady. Finances dictate that I can't do much for the foreseeable (rent is high in the UK, I can only find work at just above minimum wage 4 days a week) however I have booked some counselling sessions starting next Wednesday and have come to the realisation that you cannot reason with someone who is a dyed-in-the-wool NPD. I feel it is something you have to experience yourself to fully understand, most notably the subtlety and cold precision in which they act. Out of curiosity how was/is the non contact working out? Presumably you're in a position in which you were able to get out of there?