Hi I am 23 and was just diagnosed with gh type 1 and 2 and I brake down crying I have 2 boys and I am scared I am a single mom and all I wanted was a family I can't eat I can't even get up I feel my life is over I haven't told anyone about this my life was never easy and now this
I understand im a single mom feel like ill never be accepted now
No no no your life is it not over. Millions of people have this. It is an epidemic of big proportion. A public health concern. But you have a virus which is a rash that comes out periodically. Try raw honey to treat the lesion- 4 times a day and it should prevent out breaks and shorten them. It is more effective and no side effects like Valtrex which can damage your liver over time.
Remember millions of people have herpes and many don't know it. If one has been sexually active they most likely have it. So you aren't alone and will probably meet plenty of men who have it too
You're life isn't over. I was diagnosed yesterday. One thing that helped was talking to a friend about it. He was so understanding and didn't judge me. It made me feel better even though I'm in a lot of pain. It's going to be okay. We are all here for you. yes, your life has changed but it's not over. You have a pain in the butt skin condition Along with 45 million others. Some don't even know it! You aren't alone in this, I promise.