Hi, I am here because someone told me that I should find a s

Hi, I am here because someone told me that I should find a support group to help me with my eating issues. I dont like to talk about myself but I am here to listen for now.

1 Heart

Welcome to the site hun!

thank you

I just arrived here also ,I am wondering if it was a mistake . Is there anyone who helps or can help or needs help .All I, have seen so far in each topic is drama ,I really don't have time to waste on that. Maybe I have come to the wrong place?

@Numby Sadly it is internal drama that keeps us in our bad patterns of eating or not eating, so by expressing these so called “dramas” is the first step towards getting out of denial, and finding freedom so that food is no longer the enemy. Is your situation one that is out of control for you? Sometimes by reading other people’s issues, we see shades of our self and then the healing process is starting. Sending hope that you find answers that you are looking for.

What am I looking for?

RIght now I am here to listen to what others have to say since I am not really ready to discuss myself.

1 Heart

Thank you.

I can give you information on a 12 step group that's focus is on eating disorders if you would like. Its called OA.

That is great that you are taking this first step to seek support. That is really a big step in my book. Because to admit that there maybe something going on is a point that many people never get too. And this means for all kinds of different things, drug addiction, shopping addiction, etc... I do not take it lightly that you are here and are hoping for support and maybe a inner peace with what you must deal with on a daily basis. Sometimes I feel everybody has sometime type of strange relationship with food. It is such a basic need and we are constantly aware of what our food state is, hungry, starving, etc. A lot of people fall into that spectrum of I don't have control over some aspect of my life, but I can control what I put into my mouth. Loss of control in day to day issues that causes emotional pain or anger, put in your own thoughts, and then we gain back that control feeling by controlling our eating habits. I felt out of control around my husband, and I couldn't really voice my thoughts, so I ate to cover up my emotions. Now I finally acknowledged that I was angry, and I try to identify with that emotion before I shove food in my mouth because I feel emotional strangled in my thought process with no way out. Do you have any emotion that may come to mind before you fall into the food pattern that helps you feel better? Don't answer if you don't too. Send a hug and great job that you made it here.

Well im not sure what type of eating issues your dealing with. I used to binge eat and excessively exercise and not eat for days at a time. I did that for years until I found a group called OA.They also have email loops and discussions that I enjoyed just looking in and reading their post because I don't like messaging a lot myself so I would just sit in and read. One thing I discovered there is that im not alone. Other people struggle with wanting to isolate, eat alone just like I was doing. I also found people that had overcome this and are living a life of freedom from compulsive overeating and
(or) other eating disorders. They also offer face to face meetings and sponsors you can email and call. Also they have Christian email loops if someone might prefer that. I can send you the link to the web site and information on how to look into the email discussions and groups if you like. What kind of eating issues are you dealing with? You don't have to answer that if you don't feel comfortable writing.

PamReynolds100: how are you doing today? Hope these thoughts and support is helping you feel better today. I was think about you and hoping you get a chance to see that on this forum there are kinds of different relationships with food and that you are not alone.

I was diagnosed with Bulimarexia. Thank you all for understanding that it is hard to talk. I want to be able to talk about me but i have never been able to just come out and do it.

You just did it. Bam just like that. wow, I am so impressed. You came out and grabbed hold and did it. I hope there was some freedom in just saying this is me and this is what I am dealing with. Sometimes I think we are our own best guide because we know what we deal with on a daily basis. Its a lot to ask, but can you identify with what emotions you must constantly try to turn off in your head at this point. Maybe it will come to you somewhere. Maybe your home is not helping, maybe taking a walk, going to a park, just somewhere so you can feel maybe what you are trying to block or deny, those feelings have a nasty way of seeking us out. But the fact that you are here, shows that you are willing to take the path to more self- discovery. Also reading other people's posts helps me understand myself and helps me realize what I am blocking out, then I realize we are all one and we all hurt and we all have a chance to improve as a result of these forums. Some of us move on, some of us don't. Sometimes the pain cycle is hard to kick, it is our reality, so it is hard to try on a different reality, like I am ok, I decided to love myself today, I don't care about the toxic people around me, I don't need their approval anyways. Remember today was the first day you opened up, and nothing bad happened, if anything maybe you feel a little lighter today. :)

All I said is what I was diagnosed with, but thanks.

PamReynolds{110} but you still did it. Sometimes it is a relief to talk about what we are going through, and then you start to look a little closer at the emotions that may need to be acknowledged. The next big step for you is to understand why you feel the way you do. Can you identify what you may be blocking or not feeling comfortable about in your life? I am still proud that you are here and that you feel accepted. We all need to feel accepted.

PamRenolds(110) How are you feeling today. My thoughts are with you and I hope made it through ok today. I hope you feel support and I am sending thoughts of may you accept and love yourself today and take pride in the special person you are to all of us here. Thanks.

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