Hi, I am new here. i just found out that I have PCOS less then a week ago and I am only 16. I am trying to learn how to deal with this if anyone has any advice they would like to share with me. This has been hard because they do not think I will be able to have children. Yet, ever since i can remember I have wanted to give birth to my own child. My family is trying to ignore all of it. I have no one to help me cope. So please give some advice. Especially because my sister-in-law is now trying to get pregnant. I don't know how I would be able to handle that.
I don't have that...but I know what it's like not to be able to have children. I did foster to adopt. It took 3 years to adopt our son but he's been with us since he was 5 days old. I'm not going to tell you that you won't get jealous of other people that are pregnant bc you probably will. I know I did. But the important thing is to know your options and foster to adopt is not expensive at all. Trust me I get it. I was devastated when the dr told me I couldn't have kids of my own...but the way I see it is I proved her wrong! I adopted and it was worth every minute of it.
Thank you for that. I have always wanted to adopt, but it's been hard because my cousin is pregnant and she wants me to feel her baby kick. And it hurts to know I may never get to feel my baby kick or see a sonagram of them.