Hi! I am new to this support group

I have been suffering with hand and feet problems for over a year now. I have tried so many things. I am currently doing acupuncture and using Chinese herbs. I also heard about Clear Cream and cannot buy it, though a friend gave me some to try.

I hope everyone here is doing well and look forward to hearing suggestions.

Have a great day!

have you seen a dermatologist? my nephews had eczema when they were babies. i would talk to your doctor about seeing a dermatologist or see if he or she has any other ideas or suggestions that may help you. i hope you find something to help you out.

My reccomendation would be to start a journal. Every day's entry should include everything you eat and drink, your stresses both ups and downs, and any potential environmental allergen exposures such as spending time outdoors, weather conditions, exposure to pets, etc. Rate your eczema each day and talk about how you managed that day. Eczema is not well understood. There seems to be a couple of things that go along with it: you or your relatives usually have allergies and/or asthma. You have the power to help your self...just start collecting info so that a good doctor will be able to offer the best solutions for you. I'd love to hear what you've tried and what kind of results you've gotten. Eczema sucks! I have it really bad in one ear canal... it feels like bugs crawling inside my head and its not an easy place to get to stop itching. I have it on other areas of my body and the first thing I do for the itch is to get an ice pack, the cold makes the itch lessen and sometimes stop all together. The second thing I do is to assess my stress level and focus on breathing and concentrate on relaxing. My eczema flares are triggered a lot my stress. I also use Eucerin cream on every where I have dry eczema. I apply it before I get out of the shower and rub it right onto my wet skin. Good luck!

I've used something called Manaku Oil. There is also a herbal treatment I used that got rid of my ezcema all together. Message me for more info.