Hi! I just joined this support group today. My Mom just started taking Lyrica for the after effects of trigeminal neuralgia surgery. I'm not happy she is taking it. Hopefully, she will get a strong cream prescribed soon that she can apply to the right side of her face that will help her so she can go off Lyrica. I am very concerned about side effects & withdrawals she may end up with. She has not yet had side effects that she knows of, but has only been on Lyrica 1 week. Is there anyone here taking Lyrica for trigeminal neuralgia or for the after effects of TN (trigeminal neuralgia) surgery? I would appreciate your comments. Thank you!
Hey there, hugs to you. I haven't had the surgery. Thankfully my pain from trigeminal neuralgia comes and goes. Do you feel her doctor is monitoring her closely for any side effects? remember that what might be a bad effect for one person, might not effect another...or might actually be a great medication for them.
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@Aura82 Hi! I just want to make sure the computer is working & will accept my post. Then I will reply to you. Sorry, I’ve had a lot of trouble with my computer lately!