Hi, Im 20 and have just been diagnosed with HSV2, but I alre

Hi, Im 20 and have just been diagnosed with HSV2, but I already have HSV1 since I was really young (genetically). Im just wondering how i got it, from the guy I slept with or from myself? I slept with a guy and woke up the day after with it on my genitals but also on my mouth. The guy definitely doesnt seem to know he has it, because he keeps texting me to see me again. Is it him who gave it to me for sure or is it possible that ive transmitted the virus on his penis when we had oral sex and that i contaminated myself after when we had sex.

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I believe when I talked to my doctor, she said HSV1 can be on gentials and orally while HSV2 is mainly gentials. Therefore, I would think that if you gave it to yourself, it would still be HSV1 and the virus wouldn't change. So my educated guess would be he gave it to you. But that's just my thoughts.