Hi, I'm a mom and have a 6 year old son who is in diapers all the time. He started bedwetting at age 4 after being completely potty trained for 2 years. A few months later he started wetting his pants. We saw his pediatrician and had an ultrasound (and have had several more ultrasounds since) and there seems to be no explanation for it. He's been in diapers now for 2 years, he's in kindergarten and will start first grade in the fall and he doesn't seem bothered a bit and even seems to enjoy being babied. I'm a bit embarrassed at having to have a diaper bag and changing him. Whenever possible I put him on the potty when being changed and he does his BMs then so he only wets and doesn't mess in his diaper (thank God!) He is getting too big for pull-ups (and they're expensive) so I'm starting to use fitted cloth diapers and plastic pants. I'd love to connect with others in a similar situation...or anyone really!! Thanks!
Hm..well my sister actually wet the bed around that age as well. It wasn't every night and it eventually went away with age. It could be an issue if it seems like he enjoys the attention from it though. Maybe he could talk to someone- a therapist- about what he's getting out of the experience psychologically? My sister once tried this thing that hooks up to the sleeve of your shirt and to the diaper that will wake her up with a beeping sound when she wets her diaper. It helped some with re-accustoming her body to waking up. But the psychological factor might be a big factor, since it seems he is capable of not wetting the bed, since he did it before. Maybe other members have had experience with this as well and can share some insight? Just know we're here for you. Good luck and best wishes to you!
HI, and thanks so much for replying! Our pedi did refer us to a psychologist and we've been going every 6 weeks. She's confirmed that he does enjoy the attention and being babied but that the best thing to do is to let it run its course, so I have been doing just that, even though it take a lot of effort at times.
I constantly wet my bed at that age (I do now but that is a different story) and was in nappies during the day until I was about 5 years old. My mother had a terrible time getting me dry to start school so I know what you are going through. Back in my day there only was terry nappies and plastic pants as pull ups hadn't been thought of and disposable nappies were in their infancy and only for babies. When I did start school I did wet my self quite often as did another boy in our class. I became dry during the day in few months after starting school but the other lad didn't I don't ever remember seeing him without a wet patch in his shorts or trousers. I think the best way forward is to be patient and not make a big fuss about it. I'm sure your son will become dry in his own time.