Hi I'm a new member.I have agoraphobia &haven't been out of

Hi I'm a new member.I have agoraphobia &haven't been out of the house in over a year. I don't want to live like this anymore.

3 Hearts

Welcome, I'm also a new member here. I know what you mean about not wanting to live this way anymore, It feels so lonely and isolating. I hope you can find the support you're looking for.☺

1 Heart

Hi @MaggieD, Welcome! I'm fairly new as well. It's a frustrating and isolating way to live, isn't it? I hope you find all the support you need to help you overcome this.

Could you try going in public with a friend?

Question: do you literally not set foot outside ?
If you try, what happens or do you not try ?

I finally am able to reply to a member I have had agoraphobia for off and no now for 25 years but didn’t take it seriously enough until just recently and I finally found the perfect book it’s called Unagoraphobic. I don’t have any vested interest financial or otherwise in this book. I just know you can get it on thriftbooks.com and it explains agoraphobia perfectly and how to get out of it which is more important. All I can say is if you read it you’re gonna wish you would read it earlier, and you’re going to meet your best friend. I’m quite excited about it and I haven’t been excited about anything like this in years. I live in that middle ground of agoraphobia where you can get around some places, but you have a wall where you can’t go out and take vacations or go long distances in someways that’s a bad thing because you get yourself lulled into thinking you are OK but you’re not because you still can’t go that long-distance trip that you want get the book do what it says and you’re in your agoraphobia will be a thing of the past, but don’t rush yourself. This isn’t a mental illness that goes away right away, but it does go away. It is curable and hope is important, one thing I’ll say to any of you that are taking benzodiazepines for this disease. You would be better off if you took something like Lexapro tranquilizers just help you get over the immediate panic and it’s OK for rescue but you want long lasting relief you need to take a serotonin type drug like Lexapro or Cylexa. Still Drugs are not the answer. The answer is to get the book and start to do the things that it tells you to do. and be serious about it I have already started and I already have seen my self-confidence boosted. Good luck with you and with all of you. There’s nothing worse besides death that I can think of and I have metastatic breast cancer, but it’s nothing compared to not being able to live because of agoraphobia