Hi, I'm from Italy we can't get married her. So for the worl

Hi, I'm from Italy we can't get married her. So for the world we are cousin's. For 7 years lived together like a family. We have some problems. Now she's been with another girl. She wants to stay together. I can't trust her anymore, but I can't live without her. I don't know

I think you should give her another chance, but put her on probation. If you love her, it's worth trying one more time. If she hurts you again, then it is time to move on, you deserve better

This all sounds complicated. Can you seek counseling? It might help you both to work through this. I am sorry you feel betrayed. Are you sure this cheating occurred? Please post as often as you like. Sending you strength, hope, ((hugs)). Gos's peace.

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