Hi. I'm new here. I have severe COPD and finally quit smokin

Hi. I'm new here. I have severe COPD and finally quit smoking in December. I started vaping since then and my breathing has gotten worse. Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks.

3 Hearts

Hello and welcome. Wanted to answer so you don't feel you're alone here. I have end stage COPD, but have not tried vaping. I'm wondering why that could effect your breathing. Need to do a bit of research. There's nothing harmful is there? Hopfully, there will be someone out here far more well versed on the sujuect, since I know nothing. But, I'm glad you came. I'll tell you what I tell everyone, there are some amazing people here. Many it seems are not online today. Be patient, as soon as they come, they wil read your post. May I ask how long you have had COPD? My breathing has gotten worse since last year, but it's due to progression of the disease. glad you're hear.

1 Heart

Hello and welcome! I do not vape and how long did you smoke before you quit. The wheezing could be from still trying to clear your lungs of all the gunk inside of them. I have severe COPD and can't leave my home without 02. This disease changes your life but makes us think differently too. The damage was already done and now maintaining what I do have every day.

1 Heart

@gailg56. Do you have any problems sitting up straight? It’s hard for me. It’s better when I lean forward or when I lay on my side and a bit curled. Does that make sense?

I smoked 45+ years before I quit. I only use oxygen to sleep with; during the day I bounce between 92 and 97. I am just having a horrible time breathing. Any activity leaves me gasping for air. I do over use my nebulizer too much but sometimes I don't get much relief from that. I do a lot of sitting these days. Can't stand the feeling I'm suffocating.

1 Heart

@Annie5241 - I rather be on my side and curled too. Sitting up straight is a pain. I also learned last fall that I have sleep apnea as well. I use a CPAP at night along with the 02.

@gailg56 Yes sitting up is ridiculously painful most of the time. When I have to go to the Dr I always make sure I have everything I need with me so as to not get in distress. My Dr I used to have was soooo good. I miss him. The one I have now is good, she doesn’t know me that well yet. Anyway, one time he said to me that he had to have his pager and phone with him at all times due to his job. Then he proceeds to tell me, my job especially when I’m in the bathroom is to have my cell phone, my inhaler, and my portable nebulizer (handheld) with me. What a pain, but I try to follow the advice. Mainly, because one day, I was in the shower and all of a sudden I couldn’t breathe. An ambulance had to be called and there I was wrapped in a towel. I have to tell you there were some " smokin hot emts " that day. It made me wish I was 30 again. Lol haaaaa haaaa Sorry, just couldn’t help but share that. Lol
Here’s a hug and some easy breathing potion>>>>>

Hey @Janice1437 - I've vapid before can't say (personally) its any better then smoking. I quit in 7/28/15, used the "step down" method,began in Feb 2015 cutting my habit in half for few months, then cutting that in half for couple more months until quit date (no plan on date). Diagnosed in Sept. '15, so had planned
on quitting before the crappy news of what I caused on myself, bad coping skill. My advice, try not to smoke/use anything, keep your endurance up best you can by simple exercises = standing up/sitting down repeat, leg lifts 10x's, repeat or plain ole walking around house when you can't take a stroll outside. Hope you stay w/us & yes I still have my vape for those sudden urges..ugh..

1 Heart

p.s. not sold yet as to the effects of vapors. I was heavy smoker 40yrs, am not on 02. If your having breathing issues you may need something else steroids to help you over this rough patch, though I do my best to not take steroids.