Hi, I'm new here

This website is confusing, this is the only way I know how to post. I was originally looking for a chatroom, but this will do. hope to get some responses. About me... I'm 30 yrs old, I have two children, my daughter is bi-polar, my son is autistic. I didn't know scitzophrenia ran in my family til I was diagnosed 3 yrs ago. I have been diagnosed with schitzoaffective, OCD, PTST, panic disorder with agoraphobic tendancies, and dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities, I have 9, aside from my "self") It's been a long hard road to walk, but I'm in a good place now. I'm happier than I've ever been, but I still have troubles and would appreciate having someone to talk to who knows what I go through. My Dad and one of my 6 sisters is also schitzpohrenic, and though we share many symptopms, we don't always get along well enough to support each other.can someone tell me how i can get to a live chat?

I don't have the same issues you do exactly, but I can tell you that this site is very supportive and active. The more you use it, the more you will be able to navigate it. I'm not sure about a live chat, I'm not familiar with any sites, and try not to go there due to the huge risk of computer viruses and such. Maybe this site will help you find one that is secure. Best wishes to you.

dear raleigh, i don't know about live chat either but using this site to the fullest has provided me with lots of opportunity. it was not easy to get around at first but now i am getting used to it. little by little i am getting the support i need. i have some of the same issues in my life that you have. let me know if you want to come back and talk...mean.while i wish you well

I haven't met anyone who also has D.I.D. so I don't expect anyone here will understand my multiples, but ...lost my train of thought...lol
i'm doing really well now, n ot stable yet but doing well. I'm in several programs with the local mental health center. it's just that sometimes you need someone whos been there. right now i
m in between anti-psychotics, so i'm having a lot of issues with hallucinations, and voices. but really it doesnt bother me that much, im used to it. causes me to not be able to concentrate well though.
does anyone have any questions?

dear raeleigh, why are you in between meds? do you not find that talking about your multiples trigger their appearances? we have a local mental health center here and many people find it useful too. how is you state overall in helping the mentally ill. this state is sinking but we still hold it together in alot of ways.

i was on geodon, but it only worked on a high dose, which gave me really bad acothesia, so they cut it. they had me try latuda, but its made me so spaced out that i cant even drive, so i havent been taking it, and the soonest i can get in to see my psych doc is next month. yes, talking about my multiples triggers their appearances, but i am able to function as any one of them or myself, we discuss things as a group...lol...so even when i wake up as just me, they are there putting in their two cents. the only thing that bothers me is when im told that i went somewhere or did something that i have no memory of. our state is pretty good at helping the mentally ill. our local facility is very thorough, though there are a few who still look down on us, as though being mentally ill automatically means were stupid.

wow, you have been through a lot raerae, and i admire you for it. you must have a whole lot of back ground noise. i will talk to you more privately about the multiples thing.i was wanting my son to try the latuda it is new isn't it, he can't drive anyway and he is really ill with this disorder of schizophrenia. but right now he is on seroquel and haliperidol and lexipro and clonazapam sp on them all. this is a difficult thing to live with for all of us supporter as well as the affected one. me i am bipolar, fibromyalgia and diabetic. i have to live a very careful life. very structured and balanced especially in the am. that was my theme yesterday.

Hi raeleigh
You are one strong lady. My childhood was also quite difficult. I also recall that I rarely talked to my parents. It is only recently that I started having actual conversations with them. As A child I was blamed for everything wrong in the home I was born into, including the difficult relationships that my parents had. I was a second child among four siblings. Also we were rarely provided for despite the fact that my parents were able. Even though I do not have multiple personalities, I reckon talking about my symptoms brings some of them on.
When I begin to get paranoid and hear the voices, if i do not want to take medicines, i travel and find that the voices went away. Is there nothing you can do to keep the voices away. I really is never able to stand them.

dear one, it is only by an act of extreme love that we can conquer things like voices. i give love and acceptance to the voices that i hear and they should subside. let me know how this works. do you know that many famous and important people have heard voices. you are not alone. i have hope and faith in you that you will get some wellness around this trouble spot in your life.

dear raeleigh, having a difficult childhood is hard to leave behind you but with support and love and Gods help it can be done. He does't want us to carry around many cruel memories and deeds and i pray that you be freed from all their evil effects. that is an actual prayer and it is very powerful.

i am glad that you can have a conversation with your folks today. keep in mind that they probably did not have a good childhood and did not know How to provide. most likely they suffered what they caused you to suffer. we must forgive, right? very tough one here. but very liberating too. they Were the adults.

in my son's case he was ill from his childhood and i did know know it or acknowledge it until he was unable to function as a young adult. then we Knew. but his teen years were really rough and he barely talked to anyone despite all the help i tried to get for him. so even well meaning parents can fail their children. which is my case.

i didn't talk to my mom for many years. she came to repentance on her own and we begged forgiveness of one another for our shortcomings. i was a difficult young adult, facing life with my own set of problems that compounded the problems for her simple abilities. but today we talk and even though it is limited we have lovely times together. but it is based on forgiveness.

it is hard to be humble for Christ's sake. but the Holy Fathers encourage us in this direction. this leads us to becoming deep Christians.

well enough of Christianity 101 for the morning - hope this supports your journey, if not take what you like and leave the rest. Marnie Maria.