Hi I'm new.. I have OCD since three years ago so I'm learnin

Hi I'm new.. I have OCD since three years ago so I'm learning how to cope with it and it just seems really hard to do at times.. My OCD is more of unwanted thoughts of hurting people.. which is something I would never do. .. thinking about it horrifies me. Im scared of myself

go see a doctor about it. we r here for u too.

I do have a doctor but I am so scared of my illness that I'm paranoid about it. The only reason I'm stabled is because of my meds. But I want to be a mother but I'm afraid this illness will win and i will be a bad parent.

@JaysDoll Im also dealing with OCD of being an evil person. Like all the good things in me are gone and now i cant be happy with the success of other , or wish people good. I know im not like that. OCD is just something that we fear and dont want to do in this life.

I know exactly what you're going through. It's called harm obsession OCD, and I was diagnosed in March but have silently suffered for nearly seven years. After drinking too much one night, I finally told my wife about it. After starting to see a psychiatrist I am finally feeling much better. It is a very long road to getting better, but once you start, it gets much easier. I am taking one medication for it and it has helped immensely with no side effects. Talk to a doctor soon as it really helps just to tell someone who understands. Your not crazy, this is just a disorder you CAN live with in peace. Remember it is a long road but worth it. Me, my wife and dr are the only people who know I have this, and I'm hopeful one day I will be able to tell my closest friends. The fear of them not understanding is always there, but once I have full control again, I think it is something I will be able to do. No one can understand this type of ocd who does not have, which is why it is so important to talk to a psychiatric professional. Help is there and the benefits are tremendous. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

This is known as Harm Obsession OCD, and I was diagnosed in March but have suffered silently for over seven years. When I finally told my wife about it, it got a bit easier, but after seeing a psychiatrist and starting on a medication I am in a much better place. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! The road is long but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Find the strength to take the step of seeing a psychiatric professional. You will be amazed at how much improvement can be achieved. We are NOT crazy! This is a treatable disorder we can overcome!

@beatingOCD hey bro sorry about your story. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with hocd or sexual orientation OCD. But it’s a living hell and I have it :frowning: but I’m on the road to recovery. So are you by the look of your username :wink: good luck brother

this is a Very hard disease and its hard for ppl to understand...thanks for ur story..it keeps me strong that I will one day live at Peace.

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)