Hi, Im Taylor. My onset of Narcolepsy was probably around 7t

Hi, Im Taylor. My onset of Narcolepsy was probably around 7th grade but I wasn't diagnosed until my senior year of high school. I pushed through all those years without medication or accommodations, so if figured college would be possible for me. But now that I am in college, I am really struggling. I try so hard and I'm sure I'm smart enough to make it through this, but I'm feeling so hopeless. Does anyone else have advice about how to handle the stress of being a student with narcolepsy?

just to clarify, I have accommodations and medications now.

My son had the same problems- we just learned 6 months ago he was narcolepsy, after he struggled through high school nd bomb college. Yet he is flippin brilliant. I wish you hope and strength.

Unfortunately I really struggled during college, especially working full-time grave yard shifts at Taco Bell at the same time. I made it through, no meds, and wasn't diagnosed until the year after I graduated. The best thing I can tell you is really manage your time. During your super awake times, do the tasks that are boring (like writing papers) and during your sleepiest times, get up and do the physical tasks, like cleaning. And for goodness sakes, if you need it, sleep! I kept a pillow in my car and was known to take naps between classes

I was diagnosed 6 years after onset, a year after I graduated; its tough. I couldn't study for classes for more than 10 minutes before falling asleep on the book, and staying awake through classes was sometimes impossible, but I graduated, with a double major in two engineering disciplines, and now I'm a grad student.

If you believe that you're smart enough for college, don't give up. Its going to be hard, but if you stop believing in yourself, if you let the hopelessness win, it will be impossible. Try and find a combination of medication that will let you work, study as much as you can, and remember that your school might have resources to help you too. Make a friend in your major who can help you study, or if you go to a big enough school maybe you can find a few other people who know what you're going through. This is a lonely thing to have, anyone you can talk to helps.

Good luck!

I worked nights but had to quit. I find it very hard to maintain Without a proper sleep schedule