Hi, I'm totally new to this

I have been trying to deal with this on my own but now I am pregnant and I can see this getting more severe. I am 23 weeks pregnant exactly and I have been slightly over weight since before my pregnancy. But now that I have been succeeding on pushing my disorder to the side for the sake of my son, I have been gaining (as I thought was to be expected). I have been told by some doctors that a pregnant person gains as much as they need to. I have been doing things the healthy way, eating right with one splurge on my cravings every now and then. And yet my midwife says I have gained a little more than average, yet seeing my diet she doesn't understand why. I can feel my BDD surfacing more and more. I really don't want this to harm my child in anyway but sometimes it's so hard to ignore.

Hi! I've also always had BDD and I have a 1 year old. I was mostly very depressed during my pregnancy but I kept thinking I have to gain for my boy. I picked up quite a lot. I've lost it all and more cos I can't stop losing. I keep seeing my fat and flaws so I have almost stopped eating. When I do I feel so **** bad! But all I can say is just try remember its for ur baby! Anytime you want to talk. I'm here.