Hi. New here. I have a severe phobia to driving certain places. I have tried over the years to conquer it, but it just gets worse over time. Many roads and placed are avoided constantly. Does anyone here have this problem?
1 Heart
I don't know if it is the same thing, but I was in a very bad car accident. I couldn't drive for a long time. When I would try my body would get so scared I couldn't even stop shaking. Month and months later I tried but only very few places. So I know how it feels even if it is differnt. Driving is so scary. It's okay to be afraid. If you are afraid don't go your fear could cause an accident. Please be care full and only do what you feel comfertable doing. Little by little. Hope that helps. You are not alone.
Thank you. I haven't been in an accident, but in certain situations I've had panic attacks that cause me to feel totally irrational. So then I feel like I'm going to cause an accident due to that feeling.