I am new to this site. I suffer from what started out as 19 years ago
as repetitive strain injuries and chronic pain and it has excelled from there. This pain has rob me of alot of things i use to enjoy doing and no longer can, i have tried to do the things i enjoy like tennis, volleyball, anything to do mainly with the upper body. when i have tried to do these in the past, the pain turns out to be *10 fold.* My pain use to come and go in the past, now it is there all the time. I have had hypothyroidism for 3 yrs. And just 2 years ago i was diagnosed with Osteoarthiritis in the neck region, hands, knees and also with Fibromyalgia. I cannot take any anti-inflamitories, I am allergic to all
as we found out. However, my doctor just started me on Lyrica a few days ago. I really hope it helps. I am off work for a few weeks at the moment.
I have been trying to work through the pain at my job and at home, and it has been tough. I love to work, and keep active. The dr. said i need to have
some down time, my pain has led to some mild depression at the moment.
This really sucks. And while i am at home for a bit, she is trying me on
Lyrica to see if it will work for me.
Sounds like you have been through quite alot, but you seem to have some positives in you which is great to see. You mentioned that you were taking some down time at the moment for yourself. Have you thought about taking a little holiday or perhaps a day trip to give yourself a break from what you would normally do on a daily basis. :)
I hope this online website is of great value to you, I know it has helped me through some of the darkest times, as they say "A Helping Hand on Demand"
Hope you have a nice break from work and get to relax, always here if you need to chat like so many of us on here keeping an ear out for eachother.
catts hun, if thats your picture, your gorgeous honey. welcome to support groups, place saved and continues to save my life. i found it by looking for support for chronic pain, so here i am. long story short, have been bedridden most of the year from the pain and just had surgery to hopefully get some sort of life back.....time will tell. i'm so sorry honey, i sure do know what trying to live with chronic pain is all about. our illnesses may be different but chronic pain is chronic pain. sure hope we can help support each other. nice to meet you gals.
dear catts, welcome to support groups, you will find the support you need or want right here, and be glad for it. i did and i am so happy. at first it was for one issue and then as i looked around i saw a whole lot of other areas i could be useful in and started working in them.
i have fibro too and some days can hardly move, but being online is a great distraction to me and i find alot of support here as well. i have strengthened my prayer life and my relationship with God and met lots of people and have taken my mind off my pain and its consequences.
i wish you all the best and have faith and hope in you process of recovery, maria
welcom catss. I am fairly new to this site also i have been suffering from nerve damage for 4 years. i had a hysterectomy in 2007 and came out of it with obturator nerve damage and scar tissue. it is very painful. i start my day with 30 mg of oxcycontin and 5mg of oxcycodone just so that i can function throughout the day. at bedtime i take 75 mg of lirica and 75mg of amytriptiline. every morning i wake up feeling like i have the worst hangover ever. i have tried everything e.g., acupuncture, herbal meds, needles to my groin area, different meds, etc. you name it. i keep researching and looking for a better treatment... will see. take it one day at a time and keep trying different treatments until you find the right one.
dear esperanza, i want to welcome you. also i read one of your other posts and you are very enthusiatic and supportive. glad you are here online and look forward to getting to know you as time goes on.
i have hope in support groups and faith in our connection here and loving kindness in the movement of the Holy Spirit, all my best, a prayer warrior.
esperanza hun....with my nerve damage affecting the groin area as well as lower back and legs....you may want to look at neurostimulator therapy...may or may not be an option for your particulat never damage....if any interst, look up www.poweroveryourpain.com
hope this day finds you stable in your pain