Hi there, have a difficult time with my divorce. I cannot seem to move pasted all the hurt and anger I have. To see how my kids adore their father as if he is father of the year. While and I am the fulltime mom and dad trying to do the best I can. I need help to cope.
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Could it be that this is the first time your kids are getting "daddy attention"? If so, being Disney land parent will get old soon.
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@Broadsided Yes, their day requested on the divorce; every othere Saturday from noon to 8pm. This is the only time he has for them as he works long hours and needs to sleep. So the time he does spend its at the mall buying things I cannot afford. I mean after all I just finished adding 22k into my mortgage to buy out his interest or sell it. He didn’t care about where the kids end up living. So I am struggling to keep up. But our 6yr little girl lives him so much. Our 16yr son has seem itcall so there is not fooling him.