Hi there! I've never really reached out to anyone else that's had problems with trich., even though I've had problems with it for 4 years now. My friends and family know and try to be supportive, but it usually just makes me feel pressured to be "normal" and stop pulling and be the girl with "the pretty long perfect hair" again. Which definately makes me want to pull more. I always go for the thicker hairs(usually on the middle of my scalp) and am not satisfied unless the follicle comes out with the hair. I always say I'll stop at one and be done, but that never seems to work. I'm still able to manage to use a fake hair piece to wear a bun everyday, but I'm sick and tired of having one hairstyle by force. Every. Single. Day. I'm to the point where I don't even know what to do or who to turn to. Which, you know, makes me more stressed out and want to pull more. Honestly, just writing this has made me feel a little bit better- being able to share my story without pressure. BUt, would anyone on here have any advice to help me, please?
Have you ever looked at the site, trich.org, it has fabulous tips and even provider finders, hugs and welcome!
@CKarma Thank you! I’ve tried some of the things on the list, but my fixation on the pulling and my weak will power make it hard to monitor on my own. I’m still looking for what works for me, I guess.